Copertine Rapporti ISTISAN

Rapporti ISTISAN

Reports containing technical information, data, research protocols, proceedings, training material and the results of other activities carried out by the ISS. Most reports are published in Italian, some are in English.

All reports have an English abstract.

Edited by the Scientifc Communication Unit
Responsible Director: Paola De Castro
Editorial staff: Sandra Salinetti

Back 19/22 - Salute nella polis carceraria evoluzione della medicina penitenziaria e nuovi modelli operativi.A cura di Rosanna Mancinelli, Marcello Chiarotti, Sandro Libianchi2019, viii, 206 p.

Health in prison community: evolution of penitentiary medicine and new operational models.
Edited by Rosanna Mancinelli, Marcello Chiarotti, Sandro Libianchi
2019, viii, 206 p. (in Italian)

The application of prison healthcare is now characterized by a great variety of Health Services Facilities that cannot guarantee everyone the same reliability of diagnosis, judgment and intervention. To bridge health inequalities and protect patients, practitioners and decision makers, it is essential to develop multidisciplinary and shared tools and procedures. The Scientific Collaboration Agreement signed between Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Catholic University of Rome, Sapienza University, Tor Vergata University, and the Association “Coordinamento Nazionale Operatori per la Salute nelle Carceri Italiane” onlus, took care of this problem-area to develope the dialogue between health and justice and to achieve the goals of both. This volume comes from the Agreement and was realized thanks to the contribution of eminent experts in different disciplinary fields who agreed to make themselves available to collaborate on this goal. The result is significant even because it shows that to dialogue together is possible and fruitful to improve knowledge and operational tools.
Key words: Penitentiary medicine; Diagnosis; Intervention; Alternative measures


Publications Rapporti ISTISAN