Global health and health inequalities


Global health and health inequalities

Training in global health, public health and capacity building

Training in the field of global health, public health and capacity building relates to a series of interventions that include training in epidemiology, public health and global health for health and non-health professionals working in Italy and in low and middle income countries; training activities in the field of prevention and health promotion for migrants addressed to health, social and security personnel; support for national capacity building programs in countries with limited resources for surveillance, research and public health aspects; development and strengthening, in the health personnel of low and middle income countries, of the ability to conduct and monitor clinical and epidemiological research, to analyze the results obtained and their transfer and dissemination..

Back Salute dei Migranti in una prospettiva di Salute Globale: dottorato di ricerca

Dal 2017 è stato attivato presso il Centro Nazionale per la Salute Globale un Dottorato di Ricerca in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica e Malattie Infettive della Sapienza, Università di Roma sul tema "Salute dei Migranti in una prospettiva di Salute Globale: prevalenza, incidenza e monitoraggio delle malattie infettive e croniche, accesso ai servizi e formazione del personale sanitario”.


Centro Nazionale per la salute globale


Global health and health inequalities Training in global health, public health and capacity building Migration and health