Innovative technologies for health and telemedicine


Innovative technologies for health and telemedicine

Telemedicine study groups

The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, the National Institute of Health in Italy), through the National centre for telemedicine and new healthcare technologies, promotes and coordinates specific National study groups for the different medical and surgical specialties, as well as for those cases or situations that are of technical and organizational importance.

The groups collect and analyze the scientific evidence to define medicalcare safety and effectiveness, as well as management efficiency, of the health activities provided in Telemedicine and / or with the use of new digital technologies.

This activity allows to obtain the elements to create, in collaboration with the societies and the scientific associations of reference, shared documents that guide healthcare professionals in the practical exercise of their profession. These documents can then be launched for consideration by the National Guidelines System (Sistema Nazionale Linee Guida, SNLG).

Back Gruppo di Studio Nazionale per la Telemedicina nei Penitenziari

Hanno partecipato alla costituzione del Gruppo i seguenti esperti italiani:

Dott.ssa Daniela Agrimi

Resp. Area Telemedicina e Sanità digitale, Ass. Medici Endocrinologi

Dott. Michelangelo Bartolo

Direttore UO Telemedicina, AO S. Giovanni Addolorata di Roma

Dott. Gianni Donigaglia

Responsabile Area Zona Elba, Azienda USL Toscana Nord-Ovest

Prof. Filippo Giordano

Università di Roma LUMSA

Avv. Andrea Lisi

Presidente ANORC Professioni

Dott. Giuseppe Quintavalle

Direttore Generale, Azienda ASL Roma 4

Prof. Vincenzo Toscano

Presidente Associazione Medici Endocrinologi