Innovative technologies for health and telemedicine


Innovative technologies for health and telemedicine

Management and decision-making models for telemedicine

The development of health systems based on the correct use of telemedicine and digital technological innovations must offer the highest possible guarantees of concreteness, effectiveness and stability. This is particularly important in large territorial areas, in areas disadvantaged by environmental or socio-economic conditions, or for individuals or communities in situations of isolation or difficulty of any kind.

For these reasons, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, the National Institute of Health in Italy) promotes and coordinates in this area studies and research-development activities, verification, evaluation and scientific validation of management and decision-making models, focusing on how to optimize organizational and management processes.

Back Gruppo di Studio Nazionale per la Telemedicina nei Penitenziari

Hanno partecipato alla costituzione del Gruppo i seguenti esperti italiani:

Dott.ssa Daniela Agrimi

Resp. Area Telemedicina e Sanità digitale, Ass. Medici Endocrinologi

Dott. Michelangelo Bartolo

Direttore UO Telemedicina, AO S. Giovanni Addolorata di Roma

Dott. Gianni Donigaglia

Responsabile Area Zona Elba, Azienda USL Toscana Nord-Ovest

Prof. Filippo Giordano

Università di Roma LUMSA

Avv. Andrea Lisi

Presidente ANORC Professioni

Dott. Giuseppe Quintavalle

Direttore Generale, Azienda ASL Roma 4

Prof. Vincenzo Toscano

Presidente Associazione Medici Endocrinologi