Nutrition and food safety


Nutrition and food safety


A healthy diet is essential to maintain a good health for individuals at all stages of life. Healthy eating habits mean eating a wide variety of foods along with proportion and frequency recommendations by the experts and not excluding entire food groups on the person’s own initiative.

In addition, nutrition is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, strictly associated with physical activity. Unhealthy eating habits can cause overweight and obesity, that are risk factors for non-communicable chronic diseases.

The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, the National Institute of Health in Italy) carries out research and information activities on healthy eating habits, addressed to the population and to the health professionals.

Back Decalogo Nutrizione e sicurezza alimentare in gravidanza 10 regole per non esporsi troppo

In gravidanza si mangia, si respira, si è in due di cui uno e dipendente dall’altra (e mangia attraverso l’altra) ed é un organismo dinamico, che si trasforma. Quindi e’ piu’ vulnerabile: un errore temporaneo può causare un danno permanente (l'organismo cresce nel suo propriodeficit)

Il Decalogo ha come obiettivo quello di informare le donne in gravidanza l'uso 'responsabile' del cibo adottando scelte e comportamenti consapevoli con conseguente riduzione del rischio.