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COMUNICATO STAMPA N°12/2022 - Covid-19, flash survey Iss: il 31 gennaio il 99,1% dei campioni positivi a Omicron

ISS, 11 febbraio 2022 - In Italia il 31 gennaio scorso la variante Omicron era predominante, con una prevalenza stimata al 99,1%, con una variabilità regionale tra il 95% e il 100%, mentre la Delta era allo 0,9% del campione esaminato (range: 0% -5%) Sono questi i risultati dell’indagine rapida condotta dall’Iss e dal Ministero della Salute insieme ai laboratori regionali e alla Fondazione Bruno Kessler. Per l’indagine è stato chiesto ai laboratori delle Regioni e Province Autonome di selezionare dei sottocampioni di casi positivi e di sequenziare il genoma del virus. Il campione richiest...

ISS, 11 febbraio 2022 - In Italia il 31 gennaio scorso la variante Omicron era predominante, con una prevalenza stimata al 99,1%, con una variabilità regionale tra il 95% e il 100%, mentre la Delta era allo 0,9% del campione esaminato (range: 0% -5%) Sono questi i risultati dell’indagine rapida c...


Comunicato Stampa N°11/2022 - Covid-19: i dati principali del monitoraggio della Cabina di Regia

ISS, 11 febbraio 2022 Ecco i dati principali emersi dalla cabina di regia: Continua la discesa dell’incidenza settimanale a livello nazionale: 962 ogni 100.000 abitanti (04/02/2022 -10/02/2022) vs 1362 ogni 100.000 abitanti (28/01/2022 -03/02/2022), dati flusso Ministero Salute. Nel periodo 19 gennaio 2022 – 1 febbraio 2022, l’Rt medio calcolato sui casi sintomatici è stato pari a 0,89 (range 0,79 – 1,02), in diminuzione rispetto alla settimana precedente e al di sotto della soglia epidemica. Lo stesso andamento si registra per l’indice di trasmissibilità basato sui casi con ricovero o...

ISS, 11 febbraio 2022 Ecco i dati principali emersi dalla cabina di regia: Continua la discesa dell’incidenza settimanale a livello nazionale: 962 ogni 100.000 abitanti (04/02/2022 -10/02/2022) vs 1362 ogni 100.000 abitanti (28/01/2022 -03/02/2022), dati flusso Ministero Salute. Nel periodo ...


PRESS RELEASE no. 10/2022 - Long-COVID: The ISS has launched its surveillance project. Among the objectives is a map of the Surveillance Centres

ISS, 9 February 2022 The aim of the CCM project is to monitor the long-term effects of the SARS-CoV2 infection in order to gather data about the infection and standardize the approach and clinical management at a national level. The CCM project entitled "Analysis and response strategies to the long-term effects of the COVID-19 infection (Long-COVID)" is funded by the Ministry of Health, and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità is the lead partner. The project will be presented today, 9 February 2022, at the webinar "Long COVID: ready to face the present and future impact of the pandemic?", organi...

ISS, 9 February 2022 The aim of the CCM project is to monitor the long-term effects of the SARS-CoV2 infection in order to gather data about the infection and standardize the approach and clinical management at a national level. The CCM project entitled "Analysis and response strategies to the long...


Press Release no. 09/2022 COVID-19: Main Monitoring Data from the Control Room

ISS, 4 February 2022 Here are the main data provided by the Control Room: There was a decline in the weekly incidence at national level: 1362 every 100,000 inhabitants (28/01/2022 -03/02/2021) vs. 1823 every 100,000 inhabitants (21/01/2022 -27/01/2021). Flow data provided by the Ministry of Health. In the period 12 January 2022 – 25 January 2022, the average Rt calculated on symptomatic cases was 0.93 (range 0.9 – 0.98), a decrease compared to the previous week and below the epidemic threshold. The same trend was reported for the transmissibility index based on hospitaliz...

ISS, 4 February 2022 Here are the main data provided by the Control Room: There was a decline in the weekly incidence at national level: 1362 every 100,000 inhabitants (28/01/2022 -03/02/2021) vs. 1823 every 100,000 inhabitants (21/01/2022 -27/01/2021). Flow data provided by the...


Malattie tropicali neglette: Iss illuminato per la Giornata mondiale

di Adriano Casulli, ricercatore dell'ISS e Direttore del "WHO Collaborating Centre for the Epidemiology, Detection and Control of Cystic and Alveolar Echinococcosis" Oggi 30 gennaio 2022 si celebra, nella sua terza edizione, la Giornata Mondiale per le Malattie Tropicali Neglette (Neglected Tropical Diseases, NTDs). Per l'evento l'Istituto Superiore di Sanità partecipa alla campagna Light up organizzata dalla comunità dei partner e dall'OMS, illuminando la sua facciata a partire dalle ore 18.   Ma quali sono queste malattie, chi le causa e quali popolazioni umane colpiscono? Se...

di Adriano Casulli, ricercatore dell'ISS e Direttore del "WHO Collaborating Centre for the Epidemiology, Detection and Control of Cystic and Alveolar Echinococcosis" Oggi 30 gennaio 2022 si celebra, nella sua terza edizione, la Giornata Mondiale per le Malattie Tropicali Neglette (Neglected Tr...


Press Release No. 08/2022 COVID-19: Flash survey ISS: 95.8% positive Omicron samples on 17 January

Iss 28 January 2022 -  On 17 January, in Italy, the Omicron variant was predominant, with an estimated prevalence of 95.8%, and regional variability between 83.3% and 100%, while the Delta variant was 4.2% of the examined samples (range: 0% - 16.7%). These are the results of the flash survey carried out by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità – ISS  (Italian National Institute of Health) and the Ministry of Health, together with the regional laboratories and the Bruno Kessler Foundation. For the investigation, the laboratories of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces were asked to selec...

Iss 28 January 2022 -  On 17 January, in Italy, the Omicron variant was predominant, with an estimated prevalence of 95.8%, and regional variability between 83.3% and 100%, while the Delta variant was 4.2% of the examined samples (range: 0% - 16.7%). These are the results of the flash survey c...


Press Release no. 07/2022 - COVID-19: Main Monitoring Data from the Control Room

ISS, 28 January 2022 Here are the main data provided by the Control Room: ● There was a decline in the weekly incidence at national level: 1823 every 100,000 inhabitants (21/01/2022 -27/01/2021) vs. 2011 every 100,000 inhabitants (14/01/2022 -20/01/2021). Flow data provided by the Ministry of Health. ● In the period 5 January 2022 – 18 January 2022, the average Rt calculated on symptomatic cases was 0.97 (range 0.86 – 1.18), a decrease compared to the previous week and below the epidemic threshold. The same trend was reported for the transmissibility index based on hospitalized cases (Rt = ...

ISS, 28 January 2022 Here are the main data provided by the Control Room: ● There was a decline in the weekly incidence at national level: 1823 every 100,000 inhabitants (21/01/2022 -27/01/2021) vs. 2011 every 100,000 inhabitants (14/01/2022 -20/01/2021). Flow data provided by the Ministry of Heal...


Press Release no. 06/2022 - COVID-19: 80 was average age of people who died, but was higher among vaccinated individuals

  ISS, 26 January 2022 The average age of deceased individuals positive to SARS-CoV-2 in Italy was 80 years, most of whom were hospitalized but not in Intensive Care Units whereas vaccinated individuals died at a higher average age and had more pre-existing pathologies than non vaccinated individuals. These data, published recently by the ISS, are some of the data that emerged from the update of the death reports, based on Integrated Surveillance data and on a sample of medical records of patients who died with a positive SARS-CoV-2 test. Here are the main findings. Data from integrated...

  ISS, 26 January 2022 The average age of deceased individuals positive to SARS-CoV-2 in Italy was 80 years, most of whom were hospitalized but not in Intensive Care Units whereas vaccinated individuals died at a higher average age and had more pre-existing pathologies than non vaccinated indivi...


Press Release No 05/2022 Eating Disorders: a first map of NHS Eating Disorders Centres produced by the ISS

Rome, 24 January 2022 An online interactive platform that is updatable in real time, where all the centres dedicated to the treatment of eating disorders (ED) are registered, is the result achieved through the MA.NU.AL project that the Ministry of Health has entrusted, as part of the Central Actions of the CCM, to the National Addiction and Doping Centre of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Italian National Institute of Health). This is the first census in Italy of outpatient, residential and semi-residential facilities belonging to the National Health Service and starting from 2022 it will...

Rome, 24 January 2022 An online interactive platform that is updatable in real time, where all the centres dedicated to the treatment of eating disorders (ED) are registered, is the result achieved through the MA.NU.AL project that the Ministry of Health has entrusted, as part of the Central Acti...


Note to the Press

  Rome, 21 January 2022 Contrary to what some media have reported, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità specifies that it does not participate in any capacity in, nor does it coordinate, the study promoted by the multinational Pfizer-Biontech on the Comirnaty vaccine that involves the San Martino general hospital in Genoa.

  Rome, 21 January 2022 Contrary to what some media have reported, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità specifies that it does not participate in any capacity in, nor does it coordinate, the study promoted by the multinational Pfizer-Biontech on the Comirnaty vaccine that involves the San Martino ...
