Women's, children's and adolescents' health


Women's, children's and adolescents' health

Women's, children's and adolescents' health

The promotion of the health and well-being of women and children is part of the intersectoral policies and actions recommended by many international agencies. In line with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, the WHO Global Strategy for the Health of Women, Children and Adolescents, the WHO Europe Minsk Declaration and the WHO, Unicef and Bank's Nurturing Care for Early Childhood Development document Worldwide, the IIstituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, the National Institute of Health in Italy), in tune with the Ministry of Health, actively promotes the quality of assistance for the birth path and in the first 1000 days of life.

In addition, in collaboration with other national and international research institutes, the ISS produces scientific evidence to support public health policies for the promotion of the health of women, children and adolescents. Thanks to the basic and applied research activity and the coordination of multiple surveillance systems, the ISS studies the biomedical, psychosocial and economic-cultural aspects that can have repercussions on the health and well-being of women and children. It also performs a role of national observatory to offer decision-makers, health professionals and citizens useful knowledge for the promotion and evaluation of life-course interventions, and to improve the quality of assistance to sexual and reproductive health of women and couples and to promote styles of healthy life among children and adolescents.

The multiple thematic areas subject to research and surveillance include sexual and reproductive health; maternal, perinatal and infantile morbidity and mortality; perinatal mental health; malformations; health determinants in childhood and adolescence and pathologies.

Back 10 pratici consigli per ridurre l’esposizione a plastificanti per bambini e adulti

Gli ftalati, ad esempio Di-2-etilesilftalato (DEHP), e Bisfenolo A (BPA) sono sostanze contenute in oggetti di plastica di uso comune, eliminate rapidamente dall’organismo ma a cui tutti, bambini e adulti, siamo esposti come ha evidenziato lo studio di biomonitoraggio del progetto Life Persuaded "Biomonitoraggio di ftalati e bisfenolo a in coppie madre-bambino italiane: associazione tra esposizione e patologie infantili" (https://lifp.iss.it/?cat=9).

Life Persuaded ha misurato i livelli nelle urine di DEHP e di BPA nei bambini dai 4 ai 14 anni e nelle loro madri e ha valutato alcuni aspetti dello stile di vita e delle abitudini alimentari delle persone arruolate nello studio attraverso un questionario ad hoc.

Dalla valutazione delle risposte fornite in relazione ai livelli di esposizione misurati, il progetto è in grado di indicare quali modifiche ognuno di noi può apportare al proprio stile di vita per limitare l’esposizione a queste sostanze, con benefici per la propria salute e quella dell’ambiente.


Centres Center of reference for gender medicine


Healthcare professional Information specialist

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Gender and health Gender-specific toxicology Nutrition and food safety Chemical and toxicological food safety Climate, environment and health Chemical and biological contaminants Prevention and health promotion Lifestyles Diet Women's, children's and adolescents' health Child health and environment pollution Salute dell'adolescente Chemical substances and health protection Advice to the consumer