
Centro documentazione OMS

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Back September 2021 - 17 september, National Day of healthcare safety and assisted person

According to the indications of the World Health Organization (WHO), from 2019 in our Country is celebrated the National Day of healthcare safety and the assisted person to indicate how this issue is an integral part of the right to health. .

At the international level, World Patient Safety Day, introduced by the 72nd World Health Assembly and promoted by WHO, highlights how patient safety is a global health priority. Awareness raising events are planned, including the symbolic orange lighting of national monuments of the individual member countries.

The theme for this year's edition is "Safe maternal and newborn care", with the slogan: "Act now for safe and respectful childbirth".

In our Country, all public administrations are invited to promote attention and information on these issues through appropriate communication and awareness-raising initiatives.

Regione Toscana. La cura sicura. Ascolta. Comprendi. Agisci. Giornata nazionale per la sicurezza delle cure e della persona assistita 
World Health Organization. World Patient Safety Day 2021
World Patient Safety Day 2021

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