Chemical substances and health protection


Chemical substances and health protection

Advice to the consumer

Many objects that we use in everyday life are composed of natural or synthetic chemicals.

If these substances are dangerous, the risks associated with its use by the consumer must be assessed.

The complexity of the problem cannot constitute an obstacle for the consumer who must be able to make his/her own choices with awareness, using the available information tools.

The label on the packaging that defines the composition and classification as well as the danger must be read carefully by the consumer.

Back Opuscolo Pittogrammi CLP

Un pittogramma di pericolo è un'immagine  presente sull'etichetta di un prodotto chimico  pericoloso che include un simbolo di pericolo e  colori specifici allo scopo di fornire informazioni  sui danni che una particolare sostanza o miscela  può causare alla nostra  salute o all'ambiente.

NC for Chemicals

Materiale divulgativo Centri AntiVeleni e intossicazioni da sostanze chimiche


Chemicals, cosmetics and consumer protection


Chemical substances and health protection Advice to the consumer