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Back European Researchers' Night 2021, video message from the ISS President Silvio Brusaferro

ISS, 24 september 2021

The European Researchers' Night is back. The laboratories open their doors once again to let the experts tell the story of science, and explain to adults and children alike some of the journeys they have taken to understand the world and transform this knowledge into technology, innovation, and health.

It is an important event, especially for young people. It is a chance to fall in love with knowledge, see it as a challenge, and part of their future.

We hope to soon go back to having visitors at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Italian National Institute of Health – ISS), like we did in the past. We look forward to celebrating science with adults and children, walking them through our museum, and engaging them in conversations on prevention, research, and health while visiting our laboratories during this long night.

In the meantime, we wish a happy European Researchers' Night 2021 to all of you and to the laboratories that tonight will open their doors and turn on the lights to talk about the future. Now more than ever, mutual support is needed between all communities and the community of researchers, who work every day to add a piece to the puzzle of knowledge and look to the years ahead with confidence.

Watch the video of the ISS President Silvio Brusaferro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7yVxin7jgM 





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