Gender and Health


Gender and Health

Physiology, pathology and gender-specific mechanisms

Hormonal, genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors can be at the basis of sex/gender specific differences in terms of both health and disease.

It is known that cells derived from male subjects, equipped with the XY sex chromosomes, and female cells characterized by the XX sex chromosomes, respond differently to stress and to exposure to physical, chemical, biological and nutritional agents.

More generally, most diseases that affect both sexes, such as tumors, immune-mediated diseases, cardiovascular and infectious diseases, show differences in terms of frequency, clinical manifestations, progression, prognosis, symptoms, and response to treatments.

The objective of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, the National Institute of Health in Italy) is to understand the reason and the mechanisms underlying these differences.

Back Differenze di genere nelle malattie cardiovascolari

Le malattie cardiovascolari sono tra la principale causa di morte nella popolazione dei Paesi industrializzati. L’insorgenza di queste malattie è differente nelle donne e negli uomini. Negli uomini le malattie cardiovascolari si manifestano intorno ai quarant’anni mentre nelle donne la loro incidenza aumenta dopo la menopausa.

Nella brochure allegata è possibile visionare esempi di alcune patologie cardiovascolari in cui la differenza di genere sono particolarmente marcate ed i fattori che ne determinano l’insorgenza. 


Center of reference for gender medicine


Citizen Healthcare professional Information specialist


Gender and health Cardiovascular Prevention and health promotion Lifestyles Sex and gender differences in physiology and pathology