Gender and Health


Gender and Health

Gender and health

The study of the differences between the sexes and the development of a gender-specific medicine represent a milestone of great importance in the advancement of life sciences. Gender medicine, or rather gender-specific medicine, is the study of the influence of sex and gender, which is a term that also includes socio-cultural and psychological aspects, on the physiology and on the pathologies that affect both men and women. Differences between the sexes, in fact, are observed in the frequency, symptoms, clinical manifestations and severity of numerous diseases. Moreover, sex differences are also present in the response to therapies and in adverse drug reactions. Gender differences in lifestyle, including response to nutrients and to environmental contaminants, are also relevant, being often different between men and women.  

A gender approach in clinical practice can contribute significantly to health promotion through an improvement in the appropriateness of care that can also produce benefits for the sustainability of the National Health Service (NHS).

The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, the National Institute of Health in Italy) is engaged in basic and translational research activities, in defining training and updating courses for healthcare workers and in promoting communication and information campaigns to disseminate information on gender medicine.

Back Differenze maschio femmina nella risposta alle sostanze chimiche

L'esposizione alle sostanze chimiche può determinare effetti avversi differenti nell'organismo in relazione al genere e all'età. Studi di popolazione hanno evidenziato pattern di esposizione diversi negli uomini e nelle donne che possono rappresentare un fattore di rischio per patologie come quelle legate alla sfera riproduttiva e metabolica. Nell'ambito della valutazione del rischio tossicologico, gli studi in vivo condotti su animali di entrambi i sessi e l’utilizzo in vitro di batterie di linee cellulari derivanti da organi maschili e femminili contribuiscono ad evidenziare le diverse suscettibilità alle sostanze chimiche legate al genere. 

In allegato una infografica rappresentativa dell'argomento trattato.


Center of reference for gender medicine Centres


Healthcare professional Information specialist Citizen

Content type

Infographic Focus


Gender and health Gender-specific toxicology Nutrition and food safety Chemical and toxicological food safety Climate, environment and health Chemical and biological contaminants