National Reference Laboratory for Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

National Reference Laboratory for Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)


In this section are publications related to the activities of the National Reference Laboratory for GMOs

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Abstract book

  • Biotech Process Optimization of Microalgae-Based Products. E. Sturchio, P. Boccia, M. Zanellato, M.G. Berardinelli. De Giacomo, R. Onori. COST ACTION CA 15223 - MODIFYING PLANTS TO PRODUCE INTERFERING RNA Working Group 3: Specific biosafety issues associated with RNAi. Workshop on “Biosafety issues associated with RNAi” – Naples (Italy) 3 July 2018

  • The European Network of GMO Laboratories for EU risk management and research programmes. Annalisa Paternò, Daniela Verginelli, Daniela Vinciguerra, Marzia De Giacomo, Roberta Onori, Carlo Brera, Ugo Marchesi. Networking: tool for an excellent research 4° Congresso Nazionale della Ricerca in Sanità Pubblica Veterinaria. 6 aprile 2017, Ministero della Salute Roma.

  • Quantitative analysis of GMO in food and feed: digital PCR versus real time PCR method. M. De Giacomo, E. Gregori, P. Onorati, G. Moracci, R. Regina, R. Onori and C. Brera. Poster Workshop Validation in Analytical Science 9-10 maggio 2016 Gent Belgium (Eurachem)

  • A Review on Impact of GM Crops for their Capacity to Control Mycotoxin Content. B. De Santis, M. De Giacomo, R. Onori, G. Kleter And C. Brera. Poster, 8th Conference of the World Mycotoxin  Forum 10-12 Novembre 2014. Vienna, Austria.

  • Round-up Ready Soybean: Traceability along processing chain”, M. De Giacomo, R. Onori, R. Lopardo, B. De Santis, M. Miraglia. Book of Abstracts Trace 3hd Annual Meeting “Traceability: Perspectives from Science, Supply Chain and the Consumers”, Crete, Greece, 26-27 April 2007.

  • Novel methodology for sampling of GM soybean packed products, M. De Giacomo, R. Onori, C. Di Domenicantonio, G. Bellocchi, E. Grazioli, M. Miraglia  and G. Van den Eade, Book of Abstracts 1s  Global Conference on GMO Analysis, Villa Erba, Como, 24-27 June 2008. Italy.

  • Experiences and challenges of a National Network of GM food and feed Enforcement Laboratories, I. Ciabatti, U. Marchesi, D. Verginelli, F. Gatto, A. Paternò, M. Boncagni, M. De Giacomo, R. Onori, M. Miraglia, A.R. Mosetti, E. cecere, D. Amaddeo, N.R. Brizioli e S. Borrello, presentato al 1st Global Conference on GMO Analysis , Villa Erba, Como, 24-27 giugno, 2008.

  • Traceability along the food and feed chain. Influence of GMO distribution and DNA degradation in processed products, R. Onori, M. De Giacomo, R. Lopardo, B. De Santis, L. Tancredi, M. Miraglia, presentato al GMCC 07, 3rd  International Conference, Siviglia ( Spagna), 20-21 novembre 2007.

  • Gaps in the analytical chain for the detection of GMO in seeds, food and feeds” M. Miraglia, R. Onori, M. De Giacomo, B. De Santis, inserito in ISTISAN Congressi Abstract Book del V Mediterranean Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Silvi Marina, Teramo, 24-28 maggio, 2005.

Vocabolario Laboratorio nazionale di riferimento per gli OGM
