Prevention and health promotion


Prevention and health promotion

Prevention and health promotion

Many scientific studies have shown the importance of prevention and health promotion to reduce the incidence of diseases and mortality and consequently the costs to the National Health Service (NHS) and society and to promote the maintenance of well-being and quality of life.

Diseases such as type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer and dementia can be partially prevented. Nearly 80% of heart disease and strokes can be avoidable if people are willing to change their lifestyle. In a modern concept of health, its promotion and prevention must focus on joint actions in different sectors of society, mainly on modifiable behavioural risk factors and social, economic and environmental health determinants, to mention the importance of early diagnosis, the crucial role of vaccinations and the fight against inequalities.

In this area, in accordance with the policies promoted by international agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO), adopted by national regulations, the strategic activities of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, the National Institute of Health in Italy) are inspired by the fundamental principles of capacity building of strengthening people's skills to make responsible choices for their own well-being. In this vision, prevention and health promotion encompass all stages of life and consider health no longer the responsibility of NHS alone.

To this end, the ISS collects data and carries out research on lifestyles and behaviours with potential effects on health, it studies and promotes models of intervention, supports Ministries and Regions in disease prevention and health promotion activities, and collaborates with other national and international institutions.

Back 10 pratici consigli per ridurre l’esposizione a plastificanti per bambini e adulti

Gli ftalati, ad esempio Di-2-etilesilftalato (DEHP), e Bisfenolo A (BPA) sono sostanze contenute in oggetti di plastica di uso comune, eliminate rapidamente dall’organismo ma a cui tutti, bambini e adulti, siamo esposti come ha evidenziato lo studio di biomonitoraggio del progetto Life Persuaded "Biomonitoraggio di ftalati e bisfenolo a in coppie madre-bambino italiane: associazione tra esposizione e patologie infantili" (

Life Persuaded ha misurato i livelli nelle urine di DEHP e di BPA nei bambini dai 4 ai 14 anni e nelle loro madri e ha valutato alcuni aspetti dello stile di vita e delle abitudini alimentari delle persone arruolate nello studio attraverso un questionario ad hoc.

Dalla valutazione delle risposte fornite in relazione ai livelli di esposizione misurati, il progetto è in grado di indicare quali modifiche ognuno di noi può apportare al proprio stile di vita per limitare l’esposizione a queste sostanze, con benefici per la propria salute e quella dell’ambiente.


Centres Center of reference for gender medicine


Healthcare professional Information specialist

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Gender and health Gender-specific toxicology Nutrition and food safety Chemical and toxicological food safety Climate, environment and health Chemical and biological contaminants Prevention and health promotion Lifestyles Diet Women's, children's and adolescents' health Child health and environment pollution Salute dell'adolescente Chemical substances and health protection Advice to the consumer