


Infectious and non infectious diseases

Back United Against AIDS

United Against AIDS is a website promoted by the Ministry of Health, with coordination and scientific support from the Psycho-Social Behavioural Research, Communication and Education Operational Unit of the ISS. The main goal of United Against AIDS website is to disseminate scientifically correct and appropriate information on HIV and STD prevention in a language that is easy to understand.

Target: lower and upper secondary school students and teachers 
Products: website, promotional material, social media  

Website, Promotional Material 
United Against AIDS is a website proposed to all Italian upper secondary schools through periodic emails. In fact, the website link and/or banner is now present in 90 school websites. The website is presented at events with students and advertised through printed material like flyers and stickers.

Social Media
Twitter @UniticontroAIDS –YouTube uniticontrolaids
United Against Aids has been active since 1 December 2013, World AIDS Day. 
The website is accessible and ISS staff is available to present the resource in schools.

Organization of Reference: Department of Infectious Disease
Contact Persons: Anna Maria Luzi, Pietro Gallo, Emanuele Fanales Belasio, Rosa Dalla Torre

Vocabolario Scuola

Malattie infettive e non