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Back Promoting well-being and correct lifestyles

Educational module included in the Communication Plan of the "No Alcohol and Drug Addiction" Project.

Target: kindergarten, primary and upper and lower secondary school students and teachers.
Products: e-learning, health promotion campaign, digital and multimedia material.

The Project is the result of a partnership between the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (Department for Antidrug Policies) and the MIUR (Department for the Teaching and Training Educational System) to implement a programme for the dissemination of information on the use of drugs and alcohol and its prevention among young people of school-going age. The online lessons have been organized by the company INDIRE. One of the specific objectives of the project is to train teachers on these issues and provide them with operational tools for the promotion of health among young people that can be incorporated into school activities. In this regard, lessons were prepared on the topic of "Promoting well-being and correct lifestyles" to train the 16,000 teachers targeted by the Communication Plan (2 for every school of all levels throughout the country). The training module is divided into 4 units on: promoting correct lifestyles for addiction prevention; effectiveness of the programmes; promoting well-being; promoting life skills in addiction prevention. The educational materials include the reports published in the series Rapporti ISTISAN for health promotion in schools, which are available at the following link:

The product, designed by the Department of Neuroscience, is the property of INDIRE and MIUR/DPA. Release date: March 2019. The material will be available on the MIUR website from June 2019.
The activity is ongoing. ISS researchers are available to present the programme in schools.

Organization of reference: Department of Neuroscience
Contact person: Anna De Santi

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