


Tobacco and e-cigarettes

Tobacco use is one of the major risk factors for cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and tobacco addiction is a chronic relapsing disease representing one of the greatest public health problem worldwide. An emerging phenomenon is the use of novel products containing nicotine, such as heated tobacco products and electronic cigarettes (or other emerging nicotine products), which are particularly popular in the young population due to their high capacity to induce nicotine addiction.

To prevent initiation and encourage the cessation of tobacco products and nicotine-containing products, the ISS carries out evidence-based studies and research, produces and disseminates guidelines and recommendations, promotes surveillance systems, provides training for healthcare professionals. Furthermore, through the Helpline to help quit smoking (800 554088) and the web platform "smettodifumare" (in Italian) ISS facilitates the public access to the healthcare services and resources.

ISS provides scientific and technical support with respect to the characteristics of novel tobacco products and the control of potentially harmful substances in the emissions of electronic cigarettes and of the e-liquids contaminants. ISS contribution in tobacco control is also active at European level with the participation in the Joint Action on Tobacco Control (JATC1) and Joint Action on strengthening projects cooperation between interested Member States and the Commission in the area of Tobacco Control (JATC2).

Back Guida ai servizi territoriali per la cessazione dal fumo di tabacco (aggiornamento maggio 2021)

La presente guida in allegato, a cura del Centro Nazionale Dipendenze e Doping 2021, viii, 166 p. (Strumenti di riferimento 21/S1) aggiornata al mese di maggio 2021, è un elenco ragionato delle strutture sanitarie che si occupano delle problematiche legate al fumo di tabacco.

La guida rappresenta un utile sistema di raccolta di informazioni che facilita l’accesso alle strutture agevolando e riducendo i tempi d’incontro fra domanda dell’utente e risposta dei servizi.

Il carattere nazionale del presente lavoro e l’uniformità del sistema di rilevazione adottato consentono di disporre di dati omogenei e comparabili tra loro, presupposto fondamentale per lo sviluppo di strategie d’intervento integrate, coordinate ed efficaci.

National centre for addiction and doping

Tobacco and nicotine


National addiction and doping center


Tobacco and e-cigarettes Dependencies