Rapporti ISTISAN

Reports containing technical information, data, research protocols, proceedings, training material and the results of other activities carried out by the ISS. Most reports are published in Italian, some are in English.

All reports have an English abstract.

Volumes issued before 2020 are available at https://www.iss.it/it/rapporti-istisan

Back Rapporto ISTISAN 21/17 - Results of the proficiency test on pesticide residues in olive oil in 2020. Tiziana Generali, Patrizia Stefanelli, Valentina Picardo, Silvana Girolimetti, Danilo Attard Barbini

Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Results of the proficiency test on pesticide residues in olive oil in 2020.
Tiziana Generali, Patrizia Stefanelli, Valentina Picardo, Silvana Girolimetti, Danilo Attard Barbini
2021, v, 41 p. Rapporti ISTISAN 21/17

In 2020, as every year, the Italian National Reference Laboratory for pesticide residues in products of Animal Origin and commodities with high fat content (NRL-AO) organized in cooperation with the IOC (International Olive Council) a new proficiency test in olive oil named COIPT-20. Laboratories invited to participate in these PTs are Mediterranean laboratories of IOC and European laboratories (NRLs, official control laboratories and private laboratories), involved in the National and European monitoring programs for pesticide residues in food. The exercise consisted in the determination of unknown six different pesticides in a spiked olive oil sample, chosen from a target list of twenty-eight compounds. Thirty-five participating laboratories submitted results; twenty-seven participants analysed all the seven spiked compounds. The majority of participants obtained a satisfactory performance (z-score) for all tested pesticides.
Key words: National Reference Laboratory; International Olive Council; Pesticide residues; Proficiency Test; Olive oil

Published 13/10/2021