



Drug addiction is an evolving and changing topic, represented by the phenomenon of the poly-intake of classical abuse substances, including alcohol and new psychoactive substances.

The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, the National Institute of Health in Italy) studies and disseminates information on new trends in the use of classic drugs and new psychotropic substances, the effectiveness of preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitative interventions in the field of drug addictions. It conducts research on new indicators of use, abuse and passive exposure to narcotics and psychotropic substances in biological and non-biological matrices, including in support and advice to law enforcement and the judiciary.

The ISS is the national reference in the European network Early Warning System on NPS (New Psychoactive Substances).

The Help line Drug - 800 186070, through telephone counseling interventions, facilitates the meeting between the demand of citizens and the offer of services in the territory.

Back Relazione Annuale al Parlamento sullo stato delle Tossicodipendenze in Italia (dati relativi al 2012 e al primo semestre 2013)

E' stata presentata la 'Relazione Annuale al Parlamento sullo stato delle Tossicodipendenze in Italia' su dati relativi al 2012 e al primo semestre 2013.

Consulta il sito del Dipartimento delle Politiche Antidroga per accedere alla sintesi dei dati e alla relazione completa .

National centre for addiction and doping

Drugs Dati droga


National addiction and doping center


Healthcare professional

Content type

Data Document


Dependencies Drugs