
Indietro COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage, by Race and Ethnicity — National Immunization Survey Adult COVID Module, United States, December 2020–November 2021 | MMWR

What is already known about this topic?

Racial and ethnic minority groups have been disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccination is effective in preventing COVID-19 infection and severe illness, and equitable vaccine administration can reduce COVID-19–related disparities.

What is added by this report?

Asian and non-Hispanic White adults had the highest COVID-19 vaccination coverage by the end of April 2021. By the end of November 2021, disparities in vaccination coverage for some racial and ethnic groups narrowed, and coverage was similar for non-Hispanic Black (78.2%), Hispanic (81.3%), Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander (75.7%), and non-Hispanic White (78.7%) adults.

What are the implications for public health practice?

Equitable access to and receipt of COVID-19 vaccination, including booster doses, is critical to reducing racial and ethnic disparities in vaccination.

Entire content available on: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7123a2.htm?s_cid=mm7123a2_x




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