

Collection of texts, reports, archival documents and photographs representing the scientific and cultural heritage of ISS, since its foundation. They are related to specific areas of interest, such as therapeutic chemistry, organic elementary microanalysis, electron microscopy, malariology and physics. In Italian, with English abstract.

Volumes issued before 2020 are available at

Back Three-Year Activity Plan of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (2021-2023). English version. 2021, iv, 63 p.

Three-Year Activity Plan of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (2021-2023). English version.
2021, iv, 63 p.
The Three-Year Activity Plan is the strategic and management policy document envisaged for public research institutions by Legislative Decree 218/2016. This plan consists of a presentation of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (the National Institute of Health in Italy) and its internal organization; it illustrates the reference scenario and presents the summary of the activities performed in 2020, the year of the COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights the general strategies and objectives of the Institute for the 2021-2023 three-year period, with macro-areas of operation and their macro-objectives. Finally, it reports the development of the internal context, including human, instrumental and financial resources.

Published 23/12/2021