Rapporti ISTISAN

Reports containing technical information, data, research protocols, proceedings, training material and the results of other activities carried out by the ISS. Most reports are published in Italian, some are in English.

All reports have an English abstract.

Volumes issued before 2020 are available at https://www.iss.it/it/rapporti-istisan

Back Rapporto ISTISAN 21/7 - Epidemiology and alcohol-related monitoring in Italy and in the Regions. Evaluation of the National Observatory on Alcohol on the impact of the alcohol consumption in support for the implementation of the activities of the National Alcohol and Health Plan. Report 2021. E. Scafato, S. Ghirini, C. Gandin, A. Matone, M. Vichi, R. Scipione, G. Palma, Gruppo di Lavoro CSDA

Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Epidemiology and alcohol-related monitoring in Italy and in the Regions. Evaluation of the National Observatory on Alcohol on the impact of the alcohol consumption in support for the implementation of the activities of the National Alcohol and Health Plan. Report 2021.
Emanuele Scafato, Silvia Ghirini, Claudia Gandin, Alice Matone, Monica Vichi, Riccardo Scipione, Giulia Palma, Gruppo di Lavoro CSDA (Centro Servizi Documentazione Alcol)
2021, vii, 66 p. Rapporti ISTISAN 21/7 (in Italian)

The alcohol consumption is an important public health problem, classified in Europe as a third risk factor for disease and premature death after smoking and arterial hypertension. The National Observatory on Alcohol (ONA) evaluates and analyses every year the national databases and conducts monitoring on behalf of the Ministry of Health and in accordance with the National Statistical Plan and the activities of the “Alcohol monitoring system – SISMA” envisaged by the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 3 March 2017 and by the recent start-up at ISS of the “central action” SIAS-SISTIMAL “International SIstema e Azione di Supporto a SISTIMAL” aimed at the evaluation of implementation of national and regional alcohol that the Ministry of Health is committed in providing to World Health Organization (WHO). The ONA, as WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Health Promotion on Alcohol and Alcohol-related Health Problem, is the independent technical and scientific advisory body for the Ministries, the first Minister Office, the European Commission and the WHO. The drafting of this report took place during the new coronavirus pandemic but mainly refers to 2019 data. The future challenge will be to tackle the alcohol problem according to the new epidemiological scenarios redesigned by the COVID-19 emergency.
Key words: Alcohol; Monitoring; Epidemiology; Public health

Published 24/05/2021