Rapporti ISTISAN

Reports containing technical information, data, research protocols, proceedings, training material and the results of other activities carried out by the ISS. Most reports are published in Italian, some are in English.

All reports have an English abstract.

Volumes issued before 2020 are available at https://www.iss.it/it/rapporti-istisan

Back Rapporto ISTISAN 21/18 - Early Identification and Brief Intervention (EIBI) for alcohol use disorders and gambling: the training programme and the network activation on EIBI of the Local Health Unit of Salerno.C. Gandin, A. Baselice, C. Acconcia, C. Armenante, S. Ghirini, A. Grandinetti, L. Iuliano, C. Lamanna, A. Matone, G. Napolitano, S. Palumbo, M.R. Sorrentino, A. De Luna, E. Scafato

Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Early Identification and Brief Intervention (EIBI) for alcohol use disorders and gambling: the training programme and the network activation on EIBI of the Local Health Unit of Salerno.
Claudia Gandin, Aniello Baselice, Carmine Acconcia, Ciro Armenante, Silvia Ghirini, Antonietta Grandinetti, Lucia Iuliano, Carmela Lamanna, Alice Matone, Giovanna Napolitano, Sabrina Palumbo, Maria Rosaria Sorrentino, Antonio De Luna, Emanuele Scafato
2021, iv, 82 p. Rapporti ISTISAN 21/18 (in Italian)

The project “The network on Early Identification and Brief Intervention on alcohol, gambling and other Addictions” is a collaborative programme promoted by the Addiction Department of the Local Health Unit of Salerno and implemented in partnership with the National Observatory on Alcohol of the National Center on Addiction and Doping of the Istituto Superire di Sanità, which is the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for research on alcohol and alcohol-related issues (ONA-WHO CC, ISS, ITA-79). It is a 4 years programme recently concluded which has born with the aim of creating the conditions for the creation of a Local Health Unit staff qualified for the “Identificazione Precoce e Intervento Breve-IPIB”, originally “Early Identification and Brief Intervention” (EIBI) of the WHO. The project is a formal activity accredited by the WHO and included in the official workplan of the WHO CC ITA-79. This document includes the main results of the project; it is a summary of the training activities carried out and of the EIBI network of the programme with the Campania Region.
Key words: Alcohol use disorders; Gambling, early identification and brief intervention; Training

Published 15/10/2021