
Indietro Surveillance, case investigation and contact tracing for Monkeypox: Interim guidance

There is currently a multi-country outbreak of monkeypox in several regions of the world, the full extent and impact of which remains unclear. The overall goal of surveillance, case investigation and contact tracing in this context is to break chains of human to human transmission and stop the outbreak.

The key objectives of surveillance and case investigation for monkeypox in the current context are to rapidly identify cases and clusters in order to provide optimal clinical care; to isolate cases to prevent further transmission; to identify and manage contacts; to protect frontline health workers; and to tailor effective control and prevention measures. Clinicians should report suspected cases immediately to public health authorities; probable and confirmed cases of monkeypox should be reported immediately to WHO through IHR national focal points (NFPs) under the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005). In the current context, as soon as a suspected case is identified, contact identification and contact tracing should be initiated. Contacts should be monitored at least daily for the onset of any signs/symptoms for a period of 21 days from last contact with a patient or their contaminated materials during the infectious period. Quarantine or exclusion from work are not necessary during the contact tracing period as long as no symptoms develop.

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Sorveglianza Patologie emergenti Monkeypox


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USA Canada America del sud America centrale Caraibi Medio oriente Sud Pacifico Cina India Indocina Singapore Europa e UK Oceania Africa