
Indietro Weekly national seasonal respiratory report- Week ending 13 March 2022 - week 10


About this release

This release is a weekly report on epidemiological information on seasonal respiratory infection activity in Scotland. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health care services are functioning differently now compared to previous flu seasons so the consultation rates are not directly comparable to historical data.

Main points

Overall assessment:

  • Influenza was at Low activity level. There were 117 influenza cases: 86 type A (subtype unknown), 29 type A(H3) and two type A(H1N1). This compares with 120 influenza cases reported in week 9.
  • In week 10, coronavirus (non-SARS-CoV-2), HMPV, parainfluenza, RSV, rhinovirus, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae were at Baseline activity level. Adenovirus was at Low activity level.
  • The proportion of NHS24 calls for respiratory symptoms in week 10 increased to Moderate activity level overall. The 5-14 age group remained at Moderate activity level. The under 1 age group increased from Moderate to High activity level. The 5-14 age group increased from Baseline to Low activity level. The 1-4, 45-64, 65-74 and over 74 age groups increased from Low to Moderate activity level.
  • Influenza vaccine data are presented and indicate that at least 2,712,251 eligible individuals are estimated to have received their vaccine. On the 15th December 2021, the CMO recommended pausing the flu vaccination programme for the newly added 2021/22 cohorts to increase capacity to deliver COVID-19 booster vaccinations due to the emergence of the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2. Those considered to be most at risk are still able to access flu vaccination. For details of how to get your flu vaccine in your area, please see NHS Inform: How to get your flu vaccine | The flu vaccine (

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Covid-19 Influenza Malattie infettive


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