
Indietro Enhanced Surveillance of COVID-19 in Scotland - Population-based seroprevalence surveillance 3 August 2022 - Enhanced Surveillance of COVID-19 in Scotland - Publications - Public Health Scotland

This dashboard release by Public Health Scotland provides the latest results and methodologies of the serology surveillance programme. Tableau recommend that the dashboard is accessed using Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11 (or newer) browsers. The serology workstream aims to estimate the proportion of people who have antibodies to coronavirus ("seroprevalence") in the general population of Scotland and to see if this changes over time. Antibodies can be used to identify individuals who have had COVID-19 infection in the past or have developed antibodies as a result of vaccination.

Results presented here cover the phase of the project between week commencing 20 April 2020, when the first programme samples were received, up to and including week beginning 27 June 2022. This is the last report in the present series.

Main Points

  • The proportion of people attending community healthcare settings who had antibodies is estimated to be 96.5% (95% CI: 96.2%-97.7%) across the 5-week period up to and including week beginning 27 June 2022.
  • Data for this period are available for ten of the 11 participating NHS Boards. Of these, proportions were highest in NHS Shetland (100%, 95% CI: 97.1%-100%) and lowest in NHS Lanarkshire (94.7%, 95% CI: 91.9%-97.6%).
  • By age-group, proportions were highest in those aged 60+ years (100%, 95% CI: 99.6%- 100%) and lowest in those aged 00 - 19 years (92.3%, 95% CI: 89.6%-94.8%).
  • Proportions among males (94.9%, 95% CI: 93.3%-96.7%) were similar to females (98%, 95% CI: 96.3%-98.9%) in this time period.

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Covid-19 Epidemiologia/Statistica Sorveglianza


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