
Indietro Global HIV, Hepatitis and STIs Programmes

Update 1 May 2022 - Final draft strategies

The final draft of the Global Health Sector Strategies (GHSS) on HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections for the period 2022-2030 is posted here for the consideration of Member States at the 75th World Health Assembly.

The final draft is posted in both a clean version and a version that tracks the changes made since the last informal consultation. The draft global health sector strategies will be considered under agenda item 14.2 at the Assembly.

Versions in all official languages are published alongside the English language version.

Links to key governance documents

Agenda item 14.2 The global health sector strategies on, respectively, HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections is outlined in the Consolidated report by the Director-General.

The report references Executive Board resolution EB150.R3 which proposes a draft resolution for consideration and adoption by the 75th World Health Assembly.

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