
Indietro NNDSS Modernizes Processing & Publication of Weekly & Annual Data | CDC

In December 2021, the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) implemented improvements to processing and publication of weekly and annual case count tables for over 120 national notifiable diseases and conditions.

CDC receives NNDSS data from state and territorial health departments in multiple formats and combines these data streams into unified datasets for use by CDC programs.

For over three decades, the NNDSS team used statistical analysis software and spreadsheets to create and manage the weekly and annual datasets. The old process required the team to manually run data processing programs at several points in the data pipeline. Manual steps made the data pipeline cumbersome, time consuming, and vulnerable to human error.

The NNDSS team has now fully automated processing and publication of weekly and annual tables for all NNDSS conditions. The improvements:

  • speed up processing of all NNDSS data sources,
  • reduce the potential for data processing errors,
  • empower the NNDSS team to quickly identify and troubleshoot issues, and
  • leverage new features that provide jurisdictions more ability to see and interact with their data.

These improvements to NNDSS data processing and publication support CDC’s data modernization goals to improve timeliness and quality of data, better coordinate data activities and systems, and reduce burden on data partners.

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