
Indietro Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Work Groups | CDC

ACIP uses subgroups of the Committee, known as Work Groups, to review relevant published and unpublished data and develop recommendation options for presentation to the ACIP. The goal of ACIP Work Groups is to increase the effectiveness of ACIP.

ACIP Work Groups are responsible for collection, analysis, and preparation of information for presentation, discussion, deliberation, and vote by the ACIP in an open public forum. Work Groups review specific topics in detail and clarify issues in a way that helps ACIP voting members make informed and efficient decisions, with the best and most current information available.

Three Work Groups—the Combined Child/Adolescent and Adult Immunization Schedules, General Best Practices, and Influenza Vaccines Work Groups—are permanent. The remaining Work Groups are task oriented. These task-oriented Work Groups are developed in response to specific needs and are disbanded when the task at hand has been completed.

Entire content available on: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/workgroups.html




Materiali informativi/FAQ


Covid-19 Vaccini Influenza Malattie infettive


Salute pubblica


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