
Indietro Africa CDC, WHO and RKI Launch a Health Security Partnership to Strengthen Disease Surveillance in Africa


The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) today launched a Health Security Partnership to Strengthen Disease Surveillance and Epidemic Intelligence in Africa. The partnership aims to strengthen Africa’s health security capabilities in the areas of biosecurity, integrated disease surveillance, event-based surveillance, genomic surveillance, and epidemic intelligence. The partnership seeks to encourage strong country leadership. The first phase will be implemented in six African Union Member States including The Gambia, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Tunisia, and South Africa and will later be expanded to additional countries.

Entire content available on: https://www.who.int/news/item/18-07-2023-africa-cdc--who-and-rki-launch-a-health-security-partnership--to-strengthen-disease-surveillance-in-africa


Inglese Francese Spagnolo Russo Cinese


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Africa Europa e UK