
Categorie selezionate:   Digital Health

Africa CDC, WHO and RKI Launch a Health Security Partnership to Strengthen Disease Surveillance in Africa

WHO/Europe releases new software to support country assessment of the health benefits of policies to mitigate climate change

New WHO AI tool invites people to counter online promotion of unhealthy products

WHO/Europe explores collaborations to improve quality of health information online

Epidemic Intelligence, the italian experts join the new Who platform - ISS

Investigating Unexplained Respiratory Outbreaks (URDO) | CDC

Call for Applications: Mortality Surveillance E-Learning Course – Africa CDC

Global Digital Health Certification Network

The European Commission and WHO launch landmark digital health initiative to strengthen global health security

Epidemiological repository on particulate matter and mortality

Africa Collaborative Initiative to Advance Diagnostics – Africa CDC

Variants of the Virus COVID-19 Data Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 and

WHO releases data.who.int

Surveillance and Data Strategy — Modernizing Notifiable Diseases Reporting

NIH launches Home Test to Treat, a pilot COVID-19 telehealth program

POD Assist Features and Benefits

NHS COVID-19 app statistics

NNDSS Supports the Monkeypox Response | CDC

NBS Supports the Monkeypox Response | CDC

Wearable activity trackers + AI can pick up presymptomatic COVID-19 | BMJ

Guidance, tools and support for countries transitioning to digital, case-based surveillance for TB

RKI - COVID-19 - Interrupt chains of infection digitally with the Corona-Warn-App

How Data Authority Improves Public Health | CDC

Q&A: How to combat the infodemic with digital solutions to reduce health risks during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

#EndTB Webinar: Supporting countries to transition to case-based, digital TB surveillance

Digital health helps build trust and retain services for people living with HIV in Cambodia

COVID Alert: Canada's exposure notification app - Canada.ca

Digital solutions to health risks raised by the COVID-19 infodemic. Synthesis Report


An Introduction to Digital Clinical Safety

Mitigating the COVID-19 outbreak through global data sharing

NAM & WHO Encourage Digital Platforms to Apply Global Principles for Identifying Credible Sources of Health Information

DHIS Strategic Framework

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