
Indietro Climate and Health Strategic Framework | Climate and Health | CDC

Climate change is one of the most urgent public health challenges of our time. It increases the risks for temperature extremes, natural disasters, exposure to climate-sensitive diseases, and the resulting health effects for each person on the planet. The effects of climate change are far-reaching, putting everyone’s immediate and long-term health at risk.

In response to Executive Order 14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, and related priorities, CDC/ATSDR developed a national Climate and Health Strategic Framework [PDF – 3.2 MB]. The framework will help communities track, prevent, and respond to the public health threats of climate change. This framework outlines CDC/ATSDR’s vision to achieve the following:

  • Identify, raise awareness about, and address health inequities and environmental injustices worsened or affected by climate change
  • Strengthen CDC/ATSDR’s and partners’ preparedness and response capabilities for climate-related emergencies
  • Improve CDC/ATSDR’s ability to track climate-sensitive diseases, such as cholera, influenza, and those spread by mosquitoes
  • Collect more information and data on how climate change is affecting people’s health
  • Share information to protect communities from climate-sensitive diseases

Entire content available on: https://www.cdc.gov/climateandhealth/climate-health-framework.htm






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