
Indietro COVID-19 - information and guidance for care home settings (for older adults) - COVID-19 - information and guidance for care home settings (for older adults) - Publications - Public Health Scotland

This is a joint publication between Public Health Scotland and Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection (ARHAI) Scotland, part of NHS National Services Scotland.​ ARHAI content is not made available under terms of the OGL and you should request permission to reproduce content contained in this publication.

This guidance relates to the management of COVID-19 in support of those working in care home settings and users of their services. It should be used for residential and respite services for older people, that are registered as care homes with the Care Inspectorate.

Outbreak control checklist – last updated 2 February 2022

This outbreak control checklist is for the control of incidents and outbreaks in care home settings (for older adults).

This is specific for COVID-19 and should be used accordingly, following the general advice provided in the guidance.​

Infection Prevention and Control guidance for Care Home Settings

For IPC in care home settings, see the Winter (21/22), Respiratory Infections in Health and Care Settings Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Addendum, produced by ARHAI Scotland, our national partner organisation for IPC.


  • Guidance for community respite services not registered as care homes should refer to COVID-19: guidance for social, community and residential care settings.
  • ‘Guidance on COVID-19 PCR testing in care homes and the management of COVID-19 PCR test positive residents and staff’ has been withdrawn and relevant information from this guidance has been incorporated into this guidance.

Entire content available on: https://publichealthscotland.scot/publications/covid-19-information-and-guidance-for-care-home-settings-for-older-adults/covid-19-information-and-guidance-for-care-home-settings-for-older-adults/




Linee guida


Covid-19 Prevenzione


Salute pubblica


Europa e UK