
Indietro EMFLU 2.0: improved flu data sharing in the Eastern Mediterranean

A new and improved Eastern Mediterranean Flu Network (EMFLU 2.0) promises to be a more flexible and efficient tool for sharing epidemiological and virological data on influenza in WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Region. 

The original version of EMFLU was developed in 2016 with support from the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Framework Partnership Contribution (PC). By combining individual and aggregated data from sentinel sites, this regional platform enabled the monitoring of influenza spread and severity among different population groups in the region and provided the means for informed decision-making on influenza prevention and control.

Entire content available on: https://www.who.int/news/item/13-12-2022-emflu-2.0--improved-flu-data-sharing-in-the-eastern-mediterranean




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