
Indietro Instructions for Adenovirus Diagnostic Testing, Typing, and Submission | CDC

A standard diagnostic workup for children with acute hepatitis should be done locally per treating clinicians.

Specimen Types Involved in This Investigation

CDC recommends including adenovirus testing in children with acute hepatitis of unknown etiology.

Because the potential relationship between adenovirus and acute hepatitis is still under a national epidemiologic investigation, consider collection and submission of the following specimen types (if available) for adenovirus detection.

  • Blood specimen collected in purple top EDTA tube (whole blood, plasma) or serum; whole blood is preferred to plasma
  • Respiratory specimen (nasopharyngeal swab in VTM/UTM, sputum, or bronchioalveolar lavage [BAL])
  • Stool specimen (or rectal swab in VTM/UTM); whenever possible, a stool specimen is preferred to a rectal swab
  • If a liver biopsy has already been performed as clinically indicated, or from native liver explant or autopsy:
    • Formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) liver tissue
    • Fresh liver tissue, frozen on dry ice or liquid nitrogen immediately or as soon as possible, and stored at ≤ -70°C

Nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT, e.g. PCR) is preferred for adenovirus detection. Testing whole blood by PCR may be more sensitive than testing plasma by PCR and is preferred.

Entire content available on: https://www.cdc.gov/ncird/investigation/hepatitis-unknown-cause/laboratories-testing-typing.html




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