
Indietro Interim guideline: nutritional care of children and adults with Ebola virus disease in treatment centres: key recommendations

These key recommendations serve as a quick reference guide to the WHO/UNICEF/WFP interim guideline on nutritional support to adults and paediatric patients in Ebola treatment unit (ETUs). The recommendations also apply to community care centres (CCCs) or to other centres where Ebola patients are receiving care and support.

The aim of the key recommendations is to serve as a quick reference to front line healthcare workers involved in nutritional care of EVD patients, particularly in low- and middle-income countries facing this Ebola crisis.

These key recommendations lay out some basic principles of optimal nutritional care for patients with EVD. The application of the recommendations provided may vary with the context and capacity of treatment units.




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Gestione ospedaliera Malattie infettive Preparedness


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