
Indietro Monkeypox (MPX) Overview for Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) and Others Providing Intervention Services to People with or Exposed to MPX | Monkeypox | Poxvirus | CDC

Much of the scientific understanding of monkeypox transmission in the US is in progress or development. In the current monkeypox outbreak, the virus is spreading primarily through close personal contact, in particular skin-to-skin contact that occurs during sex. There is still a lot to be learned and Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) should anticipate there will be ongoing updates that will inform their work. Within health departments, monkeypox efforts may fall to DIS within different programs such as STI/HIV or communicable diseases. This “Monkeypox Update for DIS” is provided as a general overview and not exhaustive. Learn more about Monkeypox.

Entire content available on: https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/healthdepts/intervention-services.html




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Patologie emergenti Epidemie Monkeypox


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