
Indietro Pregnant People Hit Hard By Flu But Many Remain Unvaccinated

December 9, 2022—Flu season came early this year with some of the highest hospitalization rates seen at this time of the year in a decade. Preliminary data from CDC indicate that so far this season, nearly 50% of reported flu-associated hospitalizations in women of childbearing age have been in women who are pregnant. Concerningly, flu vaccination coverage among pregnant people is more than 10 percentage points lower than this time last year and more than 20 percentage points lower than it was prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving many pregnant women and their babies unprotected from flu this season. Flu activity is expected to continue for weeks, so it remains very important that people get vaccinated if they have not yet this season, especially people who are at higher risk of developing serious flu complications, like pregnant people.

Entire content available on: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/spotlights/2022-2023/pregnant-people-flu-vaccine.htm




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