
Indietro Training to build community capacity to meaningfully engage in mpox response


The World Health Organization (WHO) declared mpox (monkeypox) a public health emergency of international concern in July 2022. Globally, 87 858 confirmed mpox cases have been reported, including 90 cases from WHO Eastern Mediterranean region (EMRO). As with any outbreak, meaningful engagement of affected communities is central to an effective public health response towards mpox. Given that mpox is an emerging disease in EMRO, communities expressed the need for building their capacity and to be aware of up-to-date information on mpox to effectively engage in national response as well as to raise awareness within their communities.

Entire content available on: https://www.who.int/news/item/13-06-2023-training-to-build-community-capacity-to-meaningfully-engage-in-mpox-response




Novità e aggiornamenti


Formazione Malattie infettive Preparedness Monkeypox


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