
Indietro Vector control products targeting outdoor malaria transmission: preferred product characteristics

Preferred product characteristics (PPCs) are key tools to incentivize and guide the development of urgently needed health products. This PPC was developed to indicate that WHO has identified vector control products targeting outdoor malaria transmission as an unmet public health need and to outline the preferred characteristics of such interventions. While keeping the scope of the PPC as broad as possible, it is primarily tailored to encourage new insecticidal/repellent products. Endectocides/ectocides, as well as genetically modified mosquitoes, both of which could be considered to fall into the category of interventions targeting/contributing to the reduction of outdoor malaria transmission, are already covered by a separate PPC or warrant the development of one.

Entire content available on: https://www.who.int/publications-detail-redirect/9789240072251




Linee guida


Malattie infettive


Salute pubblica


Europa e UK