
Indietro Waterbone outbreaks of hepatitis E: recognition, investigation and control: technical report

This manual aims to provide information about the methods for investigating outbreaks of hepatitis E, and measures for their prevention and control. In addition, the manual gives information about the causative agent – known as the hepatitis E virus (HEV) – its epidemiology, clinical manifestations of the disease and diagnosis.

This is the first manual on hepatitis E outbreaks by the World Health Organization (WHO). The target audience is those who may be involved in planning and executing responses to hepatitis E outbreaks both in the community as well as in refugee settings, such as public health authorities and health-care workers. It may also be useful for medical professionals and humanitarian health agencies working in outbreak areas.

Entire content available on: https://www.who.int/publications-detail-redirect/9789241507608




Linee guida


Prevenzione Malattie infettive Epidemie


Salute pubblica


USA Canada America del sud America centrale Caraibi Medio oriente Sud Pacifico Cina India Indocina Singapore Europa e UK Oceania Africa