
Indietro WHO Information Meeting on the Composition of Influenza Virus Vaccines for Use in the 2023-2024 Northern Hemisphere Influenza Season

Meeting venue

Hilton Hotel and Conference Centre, Geneva, Switzerland


Representatives and individuals from vaccine regulatory agencies, influenza vaccine manufacturers, members of the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS), and other interested institutions.

Please be informed that Registration is required and free of charge. Please register for the meeting on INDICO at the link below, by 17 February 2023 at https://indico.un.org/e/VCM_NH_2023_InformationMTG

Please note that the UNOG accreditation and online registration system works better with the following browser: Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari or Opera.

Provisional agenda

  • Opening and welcome
  • Selection of Chair
  • Summary of influenza activity in the world and virus characterization
  • Vaccine serology studies
  • WHO recommendation for the composition of influenza virus vaccines for use in the 2023-2024 northern hemisphere influenza season
  • Availability of candidate vaccine viruses and reference reagents
  • Round-table discussion
  • Closure of the meeting

    * Summary of zoonotic influenza viruses and update of candidate vaccine viruses will be published on WHO website on 3 March 2023.

Entire content available on: https://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2023/02/24/default-calendar/who-information-meeting-on-the-composition-of-influenza-virus-vaccines-for-use-in-the-2023-2024-northern-hemisphere-influenza-season




Novità e aggiornamenti


Prevenzione Vaccini Influenza


Salute pubblica


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