
Indietro WHO steps up its humanitarian response in southern Ukraine following the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam


The destruction of the Kakhovka Dam on 6 June 2023 has caused widespread devastation and human suffering. The overall impact on water supplies, sanitation and sewage systems, and health services cannot be underestimated. 

The severe flooding downstream has displaced thousands of people and destroyed vital infrastructure including roads, electricity lines, agricultural land, health facilities and private homes. The environmental damage alone could take years to fix, with potentially hazardous agricultural chemicals seeping into the water supply. Flooding in a highly industrialized zone poses the risk of additional chemical releases into water, which could severely impact people and animals for years to come. The floods are also believed to have dislodged unexploded mines.

Entire content available on: https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/13-06-2023-who-steps-up-its-humanitarian-response-in-southern-ukraine-following-the-destruction-of-the-kakhovka-dam


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