
Categorie selezionate:   Migrants

Systematic screening for tuberculosis disease

World Refugee Day 2023 in the WHO European Region: health inclusion and solutions for refugees and host communities

HIV prevention, diagnosis and care for Ukrainian refugees in Poland

Infectious diseases in asylum seekers: actions for health professionals

Increase of reported diphtheria cases among migrants in Europe due to Corynebacterium diphtheriae, 2022

Diphtheria: Home Office ignored offer of help to manage migrant centre outbreak, say public health leaders

COVID-19 outreach programmes to migrant workers: evaluating VCSOs role

Increase of reported diphtheria cases among migrants in Europe due to Corynebacterium diphtheriae, 2022

Delivering quality health services to refugees and migrants from Ukraine

Fourth WHO Global Evidence Review on Health and Migration stresses that equitable access to and appropriate use of antibiotics for refugees and migrants is essential to tackling Antimicrobial Resistance

Capturing the evidence on access to essential antibiotics in refugee and migrant populations

War in Ukraine: situation report from WHO Ukraine country office. Issue No.15, 20 July 2022

CDC Experts and Global Partners Unite to Support Humanitarian Efforts in Ukraine  | Division of Global Health Protection | Global Health | CDC

COVID-19 in Newly Resettled Refugee Populations | Immigrant and Refugee Health | CDC

Testing for tuberculosis infection and screening for tuberculosis disease among refugees arriving in European countries from Ukraine

New WHO Global Competency Standards aim to strengthen the health workforce and support provision of quality health services to refugees and migrants

Promoting the health of refugees and migrants during COVID-19 pandemic

Strengthening COVID-19 vaccine demand and uptake in refugees and migrants

Screening for Lead during the Domestic Medical Examination for Newly Arrived Refugees

Strengthening resilience among migrants impacted by COVID-19

Interim Federal Health Program Policy

Operational public health considerations for the prevention and control of infectious diseases in the context of Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine

Prevention and control of infectious diseases in the context of Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine

COVID-19 vaccine information and resources

WHO released a new operational guide to promote COVID-19 vaccination uptake and tackle vaccine hesitancy among refugees and migrants

Manual for case management of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region

Ukraine: migrant health guide

Strengthening COVID-19 vaccine demand and uptake in refugees and migrants

The Global Health Observatory

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