
Categorie selezionate:   Tuberculosis

WHO announces the release of ScreenTB - a web-based tool to help countries prioritize action for TB screening and prevention

Tuberculosis (TB): migrant health guide

Tuberculosis guideline - version 1 - Tuberculosis guideline - Publications - Public Health Scotland

Systematic screening for tuberculosis disease

Third WHO consultation on the translation of tuberculosis research into global policy guidelines: meeting report, 4 April 2023

National tuberculosis prevalence surveys: what diagnostic algorithms should be used in future?

WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis: Module 1: Prevention - infection prevention and control

TB Joint External Monitoring Mission (JEMM) Report, 2022

Adaptation and implementation of WHO's multisectoral accountability framework to end TB (‎MAF-TB)‎: best practices

Launch of global individual patient data platform for tuberculosis treatment

Practical manual on tuberculosis laboratory strengthening updated to support the implementation of WHO-recommended diagnostics

Practical manual on tuberculosis laboratory strengthening, 2022 update

WHO announces plans to establish a TB Vaccine Accelerator Council

Online training on tuberculosis laboratory biosafety

WHO operational handbook on tuberculosis. Module 4: treatment - drug-resistant tuberculosis treatment, 2022 update

Reported TB in the U.S., 2020- National Data

Reported TB in the U.S., 2021- National Data

Regional meeting on the implementation of the Tuberculosis Action Plan for the WHO European Region 2023–2030 for high-priority countries

Timor-Leste records a decline in Tuberculosis incidence, improved testing: Global TB Report

COVID-19 and TB

10 facts on tuberculosis

Tuberculosis deaths and disease increase during the COVID-19 pandemic

Global tuberculosis report 2022

Global Tuberculosis Report 2022 Factsheet

Framework for collaborative action on tuberculosis and comorbidities

Drug-resistant tuberculosis treatment | OpenWHO

Therapeutics and COVID-19: Living guideline, 16 September 2022

WHO announces updates to its guidelines on tests for the diagnosis of TB infection

WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis: module 3: diagnosis: tests for TB infection

WHO operational handbook on tuberculosis: module 3: diagnosis: tests for tuberculosis infection

Key highlights from the UN General Assembly side event: Progress and multisectoral action towards achieving global targets to end TB

Agenda for the Ministerial Lunch on Resetting the course towards ending tuberculosis and AIDS, and eliminating the epidemics of viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections in the WHO European Region

Tuberculosis - Annual Epidemiological Report for 2020

A TB laboratory on wheels in Timor-Leste

Public call for data on targeted Next-Generation Sequencing solutions for detection of drug resistance among people diagnosed with tuberculosis

Report of a WHO expert consultation on dosing to enable implementation of treatment recommendations in the WHO consolidated guidelines on the management of TB in children and adolescents

WHO releases updated guidance on national strategic planning for tuberculosis

Guidance for national strategic planning for tuberculosis

WHO consultation on guidance development for conducting TB programme reviews

Good practices guidance handbook for national TB surveys: how to apply good clinical and good data management practices for national TB surveys

Lasting cough could be TB, warns UK agency as cases rise | The BMJ

Guidance, tools and support for countries transitioning to digital, case-based surveillance for TB

Call for expressions of interest: Expert(s) to conduct systematic reviews of the evidence on tuberculosis health-related risk factors

Call for submissions: Best practices on the engagement of affected communities and civil society in ending TB

WHO announces updates on its guidance on tuberculosis care and support

WHO consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis: module 4: treatment: tuberculosis care and support

WHO operational handbook on tuberculosis: module 4: treatment: tuberculosis care and support

Understanding and using WHO guidelines on tuberculosis | OpenWHO

NTIP | Data & Statistics | TB | CDC

#EndTB Webinar: Supporting countries to transition to case-based, digital TB surveillance

WHO Director-General's keynote address at the WHO Global Tuberculosis Programme – 9 June 2022

WHO Civil Society Task Force on TB: engagement with civil society as a driver for change: progress report, March 2020 - June 2021

Major improvements in quality of life for people with drug-susceptible TB expected following updates in TB treatment regimens

WHO guidelines on tuberculosis infection prevention and control: 2019 update

WHO information note on ensuring continuity of essential tuberculosis services for people with or at risk of the disease within Ukraine and in refugee-hosting countries

WHO issues Information Note on ensuring continuity of essential TB services for people with or at risk of the disease in Ukraine and refugee-hosting countries

Indicator Metadata Registry List

TB laboratory manuals issued to support the implementation of WHO-recommended diagnostics

Manual for selection of molecular WHO recommended rapid diagnostic tests for detection of tuberculosis and drug-resistant tuberculosis

Practical manual of processing stool samples for diagnosis of childhood TB

Vaccine update: issue 327, May 2022, SCID, TB and BCG special edition - GOV.UK

Rapid communication: Key changes to the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis

Estimated number of deaths due to tuberculosis, excluding HIV

Consolidated report of country success stories in mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on TB services

WHO Operational Handbook on Tuberculosis, Module 4: Treatment - Drug-Susceptible Tuberculosis Treatment

#ENDTB Webinar: Live Demo of WHO's End TB E-Learning Platform

WHO Consolidated Guidelines on Tuberculosis, Module 4: Treatment - Drug-Susceptible Tuberculosis Treatment

Testing for tuberculosis infection and screening for tuberculosis disease among refugees arriving in European countries from Ukraine

WHO announces updates on new TB antigen-based skin tests for the diagnosis of TB infection

Interim Guidance: 4-Month Rifapentine-Moxifloxacin Regimen for the Treatment of Drug-Susceptible Pulmonary Tuberculosis — United States, 2022

Estimated number of incident tuberculosis cases

Types of drug-resistant TB

TB monitoring and evaluation

Line probe assays for detection of drug-resistant tuberculosis: interpretation and reporting manual for laboratory staff and clinicians

Tuberculosis deaths rise for the first time in more than a decade due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Tuberculosis — United States, 2021 | MMWR

Report of the 7th virtual end TB strategy summit for the highest TB burden countries and countries on the WHO global watchlist, 16–17 November 2021

Call for expressions of interest: Expert(s) for conducting a systematic review of the evidence for the diagnostic accuracy of targeted next-generation sequencing technologies for detection of drug resistance among people diagnosed with TB

Tuberculosis in the time of COVID-19

Effect of COVID-19 on Tuberculosis in the U.S. | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

Global tuberculosis report 2021

Tuberculosis — United States, 2021 | MMWR

Innovations for Tackling Tuberculosis in the Time of COVID-19: Proceedings of a Workshop |The National Academies Press

Viet Nam: Catching up on ending tuberculosis amid pandemic setbacks

UKHSA calls for a renewed effort to tackle TB - GOV.UK

Presentation: Tuberculosis situation in the EU/EEA, 2020

Tuberculosis remains one of the deadliest infectious diseases worldwide, warns new report

Tuberculosis surveillance and monitoring in Europe 2022 –2020 data

WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the WHO press conference – 23 March 2022

Tuberculosis preventive treatment

Definitions and reporting framework for tuberculosis

WHO treatment guidelines for drug-resistant tuberculosis, 2016 update

Self-Study Modules on Tuberculosis

The Global Health Observatory

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