
Back Variants: distribution of case data, 1 April 2022 - GOV.UK

Changes to variant classification system

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is amending its variant classification system to give a clearer indication of which variants have significant changes in biological properties compared to the current dominant variant(s).

In the new system, the variant of concern (VOC) label will be assigned to variants which are currently emerging or circulating, and for which we have confirmed or can predict:

  • a detrimental change in biological properties (changes in transmissibility, severity, or immune evasion) compared to the current dominant variant or variants
  • a growth rate potentially compatible with maintaining transmission and/or displacing the current dominant variant

There will be no other categorisation of variants, including no variant under investigation (VUI) category. UKHSA will continue to designate new variants based on genomic features and growth, and these will receive a variant number (V-date-number).

Previous variants of concern that no longer meet the criteria above will be redesignated. These changes took effect as of 1 April 2022.

Surveillance overview

Since 31 January 2022, UKHSA has reported episodes of infection in its coronavirus (COVID-19) surveillance. Previous surveillance of COVID-19 in England was based on positive samples from the same person grouped together, so that the person is only counted once and reported using the date of the first positive result.

The ‘episode’ definition introduced groups positive positive results up to and including 90 days apart into episodes. Positive test results which are more than 90 days apart will be classed as separate episodes.

The UKHSA methodology for reporting of COVID-19 cases varies between England and the devolved authorities. England and Scotland report 90-day infection episodes. Wales reports 42-day infection episodes. Northern Ireland reports data at individual level (only one infection episode is reported per person) but is working towards reporting 90-day infection episodes.

Information pertaining to V-21MAR-01, B1.324.1 with E484K has been removed as this variant has been reclassified as provisionally extinct. Variants V-21FEB-01 (A.23.1 with E484K), and V-21FEB-02 (Alpha with E484K) are provisionally extinct (not detected for 12 weeks in the UK or in GISAID) therefore are no longer being included in the publication since 12 November 2021. Variant V-21MAY-01, AV.1 has been removed as of 3 December 2021 as it has been classified as provisionally extinct. Variant V-21JUL-01 (Mu) has been removed as of 17 February 2022 as it has been classified as provisionally extinct.

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