
Categorie selezionate:   News and updates

WHO Director-General's remarks at the Emergency Meeting of the United Nations Security Council – 10 November 2023

EPI-WIN webinar: Preventing epidemics and pandemics through One Health in practice - Voices from One Health professionals

ECDC and WHO launch new surveillance tool for respiratory viruses to improve early detection


Top donor Germany signs major contribution to WHO for health emergencies; signs host agreement for WHO pandemic hub

WHO EPI-WIN webinar: Ready to respond to an outbreak of Ebola or Marburg disease - what's new in WHO Infection Prevention and Control guidelines?

Measles and rubella vaccine arrives in Kyrgyzstan to help stop measles outbreak

WHO launches toolkit for schools to create a tobacco- and nicotine-free environment

We must work together to protect future generations from the impacts of pandemic: UK statement at the UN Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response High-level Meeting

WHO welcomes historic commitment by world leaders for greater collaboration, governance and investment to prevent, prepare for and respond to future pandemics

Multi-country outbreak of cholera, External situation report #8 - 2 November 2023

Seventh meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) for a WHO instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

UKHSA strategic plan 2023 to 2026: executive summary

Outbreak Analytics and Disease Modeling Network

New analysis confirms world seeing an upsurge of cholera

WHO releases step by step guide to help countries develop their national genomic surveillance strategy for pathogens with pandemic and epidemic potential

Suspected triple outbreak of typhoid fever, shigellosis and cholera – Congo

Polio outbreak in Ukraine closed – a success story for public health despite extreme challenges of war

Annual meeting of ECDC's National Focal Points (NFP) for Preparedness and Response, and for Threat detection, EWRS and IHR

Multi-country outbreak of mpox, External situation report#28 – 19 September 2023

Annual meeting of Strategic & Technical Advisory Group on Infectious Hazards with Pandemic and Epidemic Potential (STAG-IH) - 2023

Strengthening preparedness and response at Indonesia and Timor-Leste border crossings

Global Research and Innovations Forum: Building the world's resilience against future outbreaks and pandemics

Rabies outbreak response: Accelerating a One Health approach in East Nusa Tenggara

Respiratory Disease Season Outlook

Workshop on social and behavioural sciences for preparedness and response to infectious disease outbreaks

Africa CDC and France sign Memorandum Of Understanding to Strengthen Public Health Systems in Africa – Africa CDC

Core Elements of Antibiotic Stewardship for Health Departments | Antibiotic Use | CDC

ECDC publishes epidemiological update on increased COVID-19 transmission, SARS-CoV-2 variants, and public health considerations for autumn 2023

Epidemiological update: COVID-19 transmission in the EU/EEA, SARS-CoV-2 variants, and public health considerations for Autumn 2023

Communique on SARS-CoV-2 BA.2.86 sub-variant – Africa CDC

Respiratory Virus Toolkit

Communicable disease threats report, 8-14 October 2023, week 41

WHO announces the release of ScreenTB - a web-based tool to help countries prioritize action for TB screening and prevention

Catch-up immunization and multiple injections in the middle of an outbreak situation

Bringing hope to communities: WHO installs new module clinic for primary health care in Kharkiv region

West Nile virus - human cases, 12 July 2023

Influenza A(H5N1) in cats – Poland

Africa CDC Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027 – Africa CDC

Epidemiological update: Echovirus 11 infections in neonates

Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Framework

Africa CDC, WHO and RKI Launch a Health Security Partnership to Strengthen Disease Surveillance in Africa

Spread of multidrug-resistant Shigella in EU/EEA among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men

Launch of the Southern Africa Regional Integrated Surveillance and Laboratory Network (RISLNET) – Africa CDC

Nipah Virus Infection - India

African vaccine manufacturing capacity – Africa CDC

Vulnerable? Vaccinate. Protecting the unprotected from COVID-19 and influenza

Public health and emergency workforce roadmap steering committee endorses tools, commits to action in Rome - ISS

Recognition of Bhutan's National Reference Laboratory as a National Influenza Centre in the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System.

Welcoming a new era for respiratory pathogen pandemic preparedness in the Western Balkans and the Republic of Moldova

London at risk of measles outbreaks with modelling estimating tens of thousands of cases

Weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19 - 13 July 2023

Bringing mpox vaccination, health advice and care closer to people living with HIV in France: spotlight on the work of AIDES

Diagnostics laboratory emergency use listing

Donors making a difference: building stronger health systems

Air pollution: The invisible health threat

Leadership in Emergencies learning journey completed by new AFRO cohort

Interview with Malawi Minister of Health, Honourable Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda, MP – Africa CDC

Lessons Learnt from the Marburg Virus Disease (MVD) Outbreak in Tanzania – Africa CDC

Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) – Africa CDC

MMWR Weekly COVID-19 Briefing

Enterovirus-Echovirus 11 Infection - the European Region

Announcing the Release Candidate of WHO Digital Open Rule Integrated cause of death Selection (DORIS) tool

Notes from the Field: Scrub Typhus Outbreak — Los Lagos ...

Multi-country outbreak of cholera, External situation report #4 - 6 July 2023

One year of health emergency support in Ukraine: WHO Ukraine launches its annual report

Combating antimicrobial resistance through healthcare facility and poultry farm assessments

Introducing rapid social listening and infodemic insights for action: WHO and UNICEF launch manual on 6 steps to build an infodemic insights report

18 million doses of first-ever malaria vaccine allocated to 12 African countries for 2023–2025: Gavi, WHO and UNICEF

Reduced Odds of Mpox-Associated Hospitalization...

Stopping an Outbreak: Polio Response in Mozambique

Situation report: Greater Horn of Africa food insecurity and health - grade 3 emergency: 1 February — 31 March 2023

All secondary school pupils eligible for free flu vaccine

Africa CDC Renews its Commitment to Reduce Vaccine-Preventable Diseases and Outbreaks in Africa – Africa CDC

WHO/Europe releases new software to support country assessment of the health benefits of policies to mitigate climate change

Learning and sharing: Nepal's study visit to Indonesia for disaster preparedness and public health emergencies

Strengthening cross-sector collaboration: Implementing joint risk assessment (JRA) for prevention and control of zoonotic diseases in One Health Approach

Combating Dengue Outbreak and Addressing Overlapping Challenges with COVID-19

Plan, prepare, act: Government of Canada launches first National Adaptation Strategy -

Novel vaccines may help quell polio outbreaks

CDC Awaits Clinical Specimen from Fatal Variant Flu Case in Brazil | CDC

New WHO AI tool invites people to counter online promotion of unhealthy products

WHO Partners Forum highlights importance of sustainable funding for tackling emergencies, climate change and better health for all

Notes from the Field: Emergence of an Mpox Cluster ...

Increasing risk of mosquito-borne diseases in EU/EEA following spread of Aedes species

Dr Vanessa Kerry appointed as WHO Director-General Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health

World No Tobacco Day 2023 Awards - Celebrating Remarkable Achievements for Thailand

Early success in health system recovery in Ukraine, new WHO report highlights

Screening newborns for deadly immune disease saves lives

HPV vaccination programme moves to single dose from September 2023

Reducing Road Crash Deaths in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Building resilient systems where health and justice meet

Over six million disabled people start receiving £150 Cost of Living payment

Conference Report: 2nd International Conference on Public Health in Africa (CPHIA2022) – Africa CDC

CDC - Parasites - Laboratory Science

Countries set out way forward for continued negotiations on global agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response

Influenza A(H1N1) variant virus - Brazil

WHO/Europe explores collaborations to improve quality of health information online

World Refugee Day 2023 in the WHO European Region: health inclusion and solutions for refugees and host communities

How Schools Can Support HIV Testing Among Adolescents | CDC

Small islands agree bold plan of action on health and climate crises

Genomic Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 Variants: Circulation ...

Clearing the air – the introduction of Glasgow's Low Emission Zone (LEZ) - Our blog - Public Health Scotland

The Mass COVID-19 vaccination Campaign in the Democratic Republic of Congo reaches over 300,000 people – Africa CDC

Dracunculiasis (Guinea-worm disease)

Government takes action to strengthen local care systems

Cross-border cooperation in subnational settings discussed at the 17th Public Health World Congress in Rome

Candida auris: update to management guidance

Training to build community capacity to meaningfully engage in mpox response

Monthly operational update on health emergencies - May 2023

WHO steps up its humanitarian response in southern Ukraine following the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam

Frontline health facilities faltering without water, sanitation, hygiene and electricity – WHO, UNICEF new report

Antimicrobial resistance expected to cause 5.2 million deaths in the Western Pacific by 2030

With the international public health emergency ending, WHO/Europe launches its transition plan for COVID-19

Focus on unvaccinated children, strengthen routine immunization capacities: WHO

Dowden: world-class crisis capabilities deployed to defeat biological threats of tomorrow

Antiviral treatment for avian influenza

Equatorial Guinea declares the end of Marburg Virus Disease – Africa CDC

Toward a deeper understanding of long COVID

Marburg virus disease - Equatorial Guinea

Strengthening Malaria Diagnosis: WHO Thailand Spearheads the External Competence Assessment of Malaria Microscopists (ECAMM) for Enhanced Quality Control

Marburg virus disease outbreak in Equatorial Guinea

Who Do We Leave Behind? Insights on community, human rights, and gender issues in malaria elimination

Surveillance to Track Progress Toward Polio Eradication — ...

Stakeholders meet in WHO to review progress towards elimination of human African trypanosomiasis

Epidemic Intelligence, the italian experts join the new Who platform - ISS

The DURABLE project against epidemics - ISS

Simulation Exercises and emergency preparedness: An interview with Dr Muhammed Al Azebi

England on track to end new HIV transmissions by 2030

Summer Could Bring a Surge of New Mpox Cases

NAM President Victor Dzau Emphasizes Sustainable Regional Vaccine Manufacturing for Global Health Security - National Academy of Medicine

Assessment of polio outbreak response in Ukraine brings country major step closer to official closure of the outbreak

11 smallest countries in WHO European Region adopt landmark statement committing to key actions to improve people's health

Insights from Malawi's Deep Dive of the Integrated Disease Surveillance System | IANPHI | Atlanta GA

WHO and the UK hone their collaboration against pandemics, other health threats

The European Commission and WHO launch landmark digital health initiative to strengthen global health security

Developing a global research agenda for public health and social measures: Research priorities for COVID-19

Marburg virus disease - the United Republic of Tanzania

Government of Canada and partners invest $9 million to research policy solutions to transform our health systems -

CDC supports Early Care and Education Providers

International Exchange Study Visit for improved and Strengthened Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System in Africa – Africa CDC

Covid-19: WHO treaty on future pandemics is being watered down, warn health leaders

Avian Influenza A(H5N1) - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

WHO releases

Strengthening influenza preparedness through an OpenWHO online course

Investing, innovating and implementing actions for zero malaria

WHO launches global network to detect and prevent infectious disease threats

New WHO report highlights progress, but also remaining gaps, in ensuring a robust pipeline of antibiotic treatments to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Progress Toward Poliomyelitis ...

Monthly operational update on health emergencies - April 2023

Covid-19: WHO declares end of global health emergency

The Transition Beyond the Acute Phase of COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa – Africa CDC

Marburg virus disease - Equatorial Guinea and the United Republic of Tanzania

NIH study identifies features of Long COVID neurological symptoms

Marburg virus disease - Equatorial Guinea

Update on Wild Poliovirus Type 1 Outbreak...

Tick-borne encephalitis detection in England

Autumn vaccination campaigns focused on older age groups and other high-risk populations are key to decrease impact of COVID-19

Strengthening infectious disease control in Ukraine

Drug resistant fungus is spreading in US long term care facilities and hospitals, warns CDC

Marburg virus disease - Equatorial Guinea

The health workforce crisis in Europe is no longer a looming threat – it is here and now. The Bucharest Declaration charts a way forward

Strengthening Cholera Response Efforts in Malawi | CDC

Republic of Tanzania declares Marburg Virus Disease (MVD) Outbreak – Africa CDC

Emergence of extensively drug-resistant Shigella sonnei strain in France

Conducting after-action reviews of the public health response to COVID-19

WHO signs partnership agreement with MapAction

Measles – Nepal

WHO publishes recommendations on two new types of insecticide-treated nets

Influenza Update N° 440

COVID-19 vaccination is rising in many vulnerable African communities thanks to EU-funded, WHO-led project

Containing an Outbreak Seoul Hantavirus in Wisconsin | ORR | CDC

H5N1: Has there been human-to-human transmission, and do we have a vaccine?

Cluster of avian influenza in Cambodia

Cholera: World Health Organization warns of rising cases in Africa

First-of-its-kind WHO/Europe course puts health workforce and leadership at the heart of health system recovery

Collaborating to Strengthen Surveillance Systems Worldwide | Division of Global Health Protection | Global Health | CDC

Climate Changes Health: Extreme Weather

Avian Influenza A (H5N1) - Cambodia

H5N1 Update: Two Human H5N1 Cases in Cambodia | Avian Influenza (Flu)

Marburg virus disease - Equatorial Guinea

Flu Vaccine Provided Substantial Protection This Season

U.S. Wastewater Data | Mpox | Poxvirus | CDC

EPI-WIN webinar: Influenza vaccines: what makes them work

Mpox: Clinicians identify severe form with high mortality in advanced HIV patients

Camco partners with the Pacific Community to support sustainable development in the Pacific

H5N1: Do we need to worry about the latest bird flu outbreaks?

NIH RECOVER research identifies potential long COVID disparities

Covid-19: Evusheld is unlikely to prevent infection with current or future variants, NICE concludes

As the mpox "emergency" continues, the United Kingdom shows how achieving and sustaining disease elimination has to be the next priority

NIH trial to evaluate Shionogi antiviral in adults hospitalized with COVID-19

Lingering symptoms common after COVID hospitalization

Press Release on Marburg Virus Disease in Equatorial Guinea – Africa CDC

Covid-19: WHO treaty hopes to overcome "catastrophic failures" of pandemic response

Maldives: leading the way to sustainable environmental health

Member States guide direction of polio transition post-2023

WHO in collaboration with IATA have trained trainers on the shipping of infectious substances

Immediate and targeted catch-up vaccination needed to avert measles resurgence

Pediatric flu deaths top 100 this season; most unvaccinated


Measles – South Sudan

Cholera: Malawi is in grip of its deadliest outbreak

Influenza Update N° 438

Measles – Paraguay

Launch of global individual patient data platform for tuberculosis treatment

Update 83: The Global Influenza Outbreak - What we are doing and what it means for pandemic influenza

Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19 Case Incidence Rates ...

Three years of pandemic learning response: reaching learners across the world with life-saving health knowledge

Multi-country outbreak of mpox, External situation report#14- 19 January 2023

Covid-19: What do we know about XBB.1.5 and should we be worried?

Human infection caused by avian influenza A(H5) - Ecuador

Experimental HIV vaccine regimen safe but ineffective, study finds

8th WHO Technical Taskforce: Defeating Meningitis by 2030 – A Global Road Map

COVID-19 PCR testing network scaled down

WHO announces plans to establish a TB Vaccine Accelerator Council

Weekly influenza update, week 1, January 2023

ECDC assesses risk to the EU/EEA associated with Omicron XBB1.5 sub-lineage

WHO updates COVID-19 guidelines on masks, treatments and patient care

On polio last case anniversary, WHO calls on countries in South-East Asia to accelerate measures to also eliminate measles

Online training on tuberculosis laboratory biosafety

Developing mucosal vaccines for respiratory viruses

Outliving the virus: various reasons for COVID-19 vaccination

EASA/ECDC provide guidelines for aviation as part of European response to COVID-19 developments in China

Paxlovid reduces serious risks from Omicron variants

UKHSA begins testing arrivals from China to enhance detection of new variants

Cancer and COVID-19 | CDC

Varicella vaccine (live): PGD template

Engaging Community Leaders in Zambia's COVID-19 Response

Precautionary and temporary measures to improve COVID surveillance from China

NIH funds eight studies to advance rapid diagnosis of COVID-19-related inflammatory syndrome in children

Protecting the workforce through influenza and COVID-19 vaccination: perspectives from Greece

England and Wales see rise in excess deaths amid flu surge

Advisory group urges countries to prioritize protecting the most vulnerable with COVID-19 vaccination and integrate COVID-19 vaccination into routine health-care strategies

NIH launches Home Test to Treat, a pilot COVID-19 telehealth program

NIH study links specific outdoor air pollutants to asthma attacks in urban children

With CDC Support, Uganda Improves Emergency Medical Services During COVID-19 Pandemic | CDC

TAG-VE statement on the 3rd January meeting on the COVID-19 situation in China

Communique on the Sudden Increase in COVID-19 Cases driven by the Omicron BF.7 Variants – Africa CDC

COVID-19 vaccine for children after MIS-C appears safe

Covid-19: Doctors are asked to help track variants among people arriving from China

Covid-19: China stops counting cases as models predict a million or more deaths

Impact of surge in China COVID-19 cases on epidemiological situation in EU/EEA

Back to school advice issued amid high levels of flu, COVID-19 and scarlet fever

WHO meets with Chinese officials on current COVID-19 situation

Precautionary and temporary measures introduced to improve Covid surveillance from China

Solomon Islands Medical Assistance Team and WHO rapidly deploy to support Temotu Province's COVID-19 outbreak response

WHO trains thousands of health care workers in mass casualty and trauma care amid the war

Health workers in North Macedonia urge vulnerable people: get vaccinated against seasonal influenza

HIV prevention, diagnosis and care for Ukrainian refugees in Poland

Uganda Treats COVID-19 Patients in National Soccer Stadium | CDC

U.S. CDC in Uganda and Partners Bring COVID-19 Vaccines to Local Populations | CDC

Scarlet fever infections rise to nearly 30 000, UKHSA reports

One Health Joint Plan of Action launched and presented by WHO and the Quadripartite partners

One Health in G20 countries

Covid-19: Molnupiravir does not cut hospital admissions or deaths in vaccinated people at high risk, trial finds

Gift yourself a life-saving vaccine this Christmas holiday

Do you take antibiotics only when prescribed by your doctor? A population-based survey in Armenia asks questions to raise awareness

Papua New Guinea: The one-on-one personal approach goes to work for COVID-19 protection

Regulatory approval of COVID-19 vaccine VidPrevtyn Beta

Sanofi Pasteur COVID-19 vaccine authorised by MHRA

WHO Information Meeting on the Composition of Influenza Virus Vaccines for Use in the 2023-2024 Northern Hemisphere Influenza Season

North Macedonia's caravan: bringing COVID-19 vaccines and information about influenza and other vaccines to communities

Mask and outbreak guidance updated in care settings

South-East Asia stakeholder forum for pandemic influenza preparedness

EMFLU 2.0: improved flu data sharing in the Eastern Mediterranean

CDC Expands Updated COVID-19 Vaccines to Include Children Ages 6 Months through 5 Years

Building prevention and control capacities in Chile and Guatemala

A Saudi Arabian journey in influenza surveillance

US & UK National Medical Academies Commit to Action on Climate Change & Call for Action by World Health Leaders - National Academy of Medicine

ECDC organises epidemic intelligence and rapid risk assessment training in Armenia

Zoonotic diseases and foodborne outbreaks on the rise, but still below pre-pandemic levels

Risk of severe pressure on healthcare systems due to RSV, flu and COVID-19 co-circulation

Intensified circulation of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and associated hospital burden in the EU/EEA

CDC collaborates with South Africa to strengthen border health during COVID-19 l CDC

Pregnant People Hit Hard By Flu But Many Remain Unvaccinated

Ebola trial candidate vaccines arrive in Uganda in record 79 days after outbreak declared

Covid-19: Winter surge feared as China lurches away from zero covid

Ukraine endorses roadmap on mental health during the war

ECDC and EMA collaborate on vaccine safety and effectiveness monitoring studies

Moving WHO guidance on antibiotics into the heart of clinical practice

WHO member states agree to draft international pandemic accord

Report signals increasing resistance to antibiotics in bacterial infections in humans and need for better data

The European Union and WHO further enhance their partnership for stronger pandemic preparedness and response

UKHSA publishes strategy outlining plans to eliminate mpox transmission

Despite continued impact of COVID-19, malaria cases and deaths remained stable in 2021

WHO trains hundreds of health-care workers to reduce number of health-care associated infections in Ukraine

Haiti: Hospitals face critical oxygen shortages and warn of lack of fluids to treat cholera

In Denmark, people roll up their sleeves for seasonal influenza and COVID-19 vaccines

Increase of reported diphtheria cases among migrants in Europe due to Corynebacterium diphtheriae, 2022

Africa CDC convenes public health officials and experts to prepare the continent to respond to future outbreaks – Africa CDC

WHO Global and Regional technical meeting on addressing NCDs in emergencies

NHS facing "perfect storm" as flu admissions rise 40% in a week

Getting vaccines to those who need them most: Albania launches autumn influenza campaign and begins to roll out COVID-19 booster doses

COVID-19 disruptions in HIV testing and prevention highlight need for innovation and investment before the next public health emergency

Joint statement - Influenza season epidemic kicks off early in Europe as concerns over RSV rise and COVID-19 is still a threat

The Republic of Korea to Donate First Batch of Mpox Vaccine to Africa – Africa CDC

CDC Changes Monkeypox Terminology to Mpox | 2022 | Dear Colleague Letters | NCHHSTP | CDC

WHO, WIPO, WTO to hold technical symposium on response, preparedness to future pandemics

CDC planning wastewater testing for polio in select communities

Third meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) for a WHO instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

Covid-19: Protests against lockdowns in China reignite amid crackdown

Organization Gets Community Members to Play Key Role in Getting People Vaccinated | CDC

Concern over low rate of 2 to 3 year olds getting the flu vaccine

Investigating Salmonella and Wild Songbirds: A One Health Approach | One Health | CDC

Chemical and Biological Deliberate Events

WHO and U.S. Government donate mobile laboratory to Ukraine to strengthen infectious disease control

Diphtheria: Home Office ignored offer of help to manage migrant centre outbreak, say public health leaders

WHO supports Ukrainian health-care system as winter approaches

Nepal takes the lead, completes novel training initiative to address antimicrobial resistance

Putting monkeypox front and centre: two journalists explain the importance of continuing to talk about the outbreak

Health experts collaborate to provide support to Tuvalu amidst COVID-19 outbreak

Women leaders in North Macedonia build trust in COVID-19 vaccination

One year since the emergence of COVID-19 virus variant Omicron

Quadripartite welcomes new political commitments in fight against antimicrobial resistance

Eligible people urged to get vaccinated as flu season officially under way

KOICA & WHO highlight progress fighting antimicrobial resistance and future opportunities

‘Mass testing' linked to 25% cut in covid-19 related hospital admissions | BMJ

Measles is now "an imminent threat" globally, WHO and CDC warn

The first meeting of the multisectoral committee on  antimicrobial resistance is held

RSV virus expected to add pressure on hospitals in many EU/EEA countries this season

Monkeypox: Single dose of smallpox vaccine offers 78% protection, UKHSA reports

Together We Can Improve How We Use Antibiotics and Antifungals | TATFAR | Antibiotic/Antimicrobial Resistance | CDC

Consultation launched to protect patients from silent pandemic of antimicrobial resistance

NIH establishes website for self-reporting COVID-19 test results

Monkeypox response in Europe

UKHSA finds vaccination offers strong protection against monkeypox

Food Safety Newsletter: Antibiotic Awareness Week

COP27: Countries agree "loss and damage" fund to help poorer countries hit by climate disasters

WHO to identify pathogens that could cause future outbreaks and pandemics

New data shows 148 severe antibiotic-resistant infections a day in 2021

1 in 3 use antibiotics without prescription, WHO/Europe's study shows

Responding to malaria in urban areas: a new framework from WHO and UN-Habitat

Covid-19: "Grotesque inequity" that only a quarter of paxlovid courses go to poorer countries

Fiji, the UN and partners deploy medical personnel and supplies in solidarity with Tuvalu's COVID-19 response effort

12th meeting of the European Environment and Health Task Force

ASPHER - ASPHER Climate Action through Public Health Education & Training

Covid-19: Is the UK still tracking the virus—and other questions answered

Quadripartite launches a new platform to tackle antimicrobial resistance threat to human and animal health and ecosystems

WHO/ECDC report: antimicrobial resistance a serious threat to patient safety in European Region

Tackling emerging antimalarial drug resistance in Africa

World Antimicrobial Awareness Week: Prevent antimicrobial resistance together

New study details work-related COVID-19 exposure among non-healthcare workers

Africa CDC, in collaboration with ASLM, FIND, and CHAI, launched a Consultative Workshop on Revised COVID-19 Testing and Surveillance Strategy – Africa CDC

NHS COVID-19 app statistics

35 000 annual deaths from antimicrobial resistance in the EU/EEA

Studies provide latest ‘real world' evidence on effectiveness of covid-19 treatments | BMJ

We should be proud of our pandemic response in the Pacific – let's build upon it to save lives now and in future

European Region's 20th year of polio-free status confirmed – but there is no room for complacency

Covid-19: China eases rules amid rise in cases

Antibiotic Resistance, Food, and Food Animals

CDC South Africa supports vaccination against COVID-19 | CDC

Covid-19: NICE rejects five treatments over uncertain evidence and price in draft guidance

USAID and WHO Provide US $2 million in Medical Supplies to Fight COVID-19 and Other Diseases

Regional meeting on the implementation of the Tuberculosis Action Plan for the WHO European Region 2023–2030 for high-priority countries

Vaccination after SARS-CoV-2 infection linked to a decrease in long covid symptoms | BMJ

Covid-19: Funding for pandemic preparedness being "sucked away" by war in Ukraine

New Study Shows Benefits of Flu Vaccination During Pregnancy

Vaccine access: World's poorest people suffer at the hands of free market dynamics, says WHO

USAAW 2022: Focusing on Prevention

WHO, WIPO, WTO to hold technical symposium on response, preparedness to future pandemics

Donors making a difference: Climate change and its impact on health

WHO releases first data on global vaccine market since COVID-19

Covid-19: Evusheld protects the most vulnerable patients, analysis shows

World Leaders Launch Forests and Climate Leaders' Partnership to accelerate momentum to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030

Statement – Climate change is already killing us, but strong action now can prevent more deaths

US faces triple epidemic of flu, RSV, and covid

Bird Flu in Pets and Other Animals | Avian Influenza (Flu)

NIH's Climate and Health Initiative tackles global health effects associated with a changing climate

Bird flu (avian influenza): latest situation in England

United States Provides Pediatric Pfizer Vaccines to Protect Children from COVID-19

Malta launches first-ever national health workforce strategy

SPC helps boost animal disease preparedness and surveillance in the Solomon Islands

Fiji leads the way on climate-resilient and environmentally-sustainable healthcare facilities

U.S. Approaches Record Number of Avian Influenza Outbreaks

Evidence for "substantial" monkeypox transmission before symptoms | BMJ

Monkeypox can be fatal for people with weak immune systems, CDC warns

World Polio Day in Ukraine: focus on urgent need to vaccinate against polio to prevent further spread

ACT-Accelerator launches six month plan as world transitions to long-term COVID-19 control

10 facts on tuberculosis

Tuberculosis deaths and disease increase during the COVID-19 pandemic

CDC and Tanzania Speed Up COVID-19 Vaccinations | CDC

Responding to dengue outbreak in Nepal

New WHO Global Air Quality Guidelines aim to save millions of lives from air pollution

World Polio Day 2022: Joint statement by Commissioners Stella Kyriakides, Jutta Urpilainen, and Director of ECDC Dr Andrea Ammon

High monkeypox vaccine acceptance among male users of smartphone-based online gay-dating apps in Europe

WHO Director-General's remarks at the World Polio Day 2022 and Beyond event  - 21 October 2022

World Health Organization (WHO) response to the External Evaluation of the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A)

Cholera: WHO rations vaccines to preserve stocks amid rising outbreaks | The BMJ

IANPHI and WHO Partner to Strengthen Public Health Functions and Health Emergency Preparedness | IANPHI

WHO announces the update of the Consolidated Guidelines on HIV Testing Services (update 2022–23)

Building next generation sequencing capacity for SARS-CoV-2 through workforce strengthening in Kyrgyzstan

Shortage of cholera vaccines leads to temporary suspension of two-dose strategy, as cases rise worldwide

4 things to know about COVID-19 treatment in the Pacific

Avian influenza: Prevention Zone declared across Great Britain - GOV.UK

One Health Joint Plan of Action launched to address health threats to humans, animals, plants and environment

CDC Reports Early Increases in Seasonal Flu Activity

Estimating seasonal influenza burden across the disease severity pyramid

Integrating SARS-CoV-2 and influenza surveillance in Timor-Leste

Influenza pandemic preparedness planning in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Influenza in the northern hemisphere is back

Covid-19: Booster vaccines rolled out as hospital admissions rise | The BMJ

USAID Provides $1.5 Million for COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Support in Lao PDR

Communique of the high-level emergency ministerial meeting on cross border collaboration for preparedness and response to Ebola virus disease – Africa CDC

Fourth informal, focused consultation in relation to a new international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response: One Health and antimicrobial resistance, climate change and zoonoses

Updated e-course on Climate Change Negotiations and Health

African Health Ministers Take Steps to Curb the Spread of the Ebola Disease Outbreak – Africa CDC

Time to act to curb antimicrobial resistance now

Building COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence in Minnesota's Prisons and Jails | CDC

Ad Council, AMA, and CDC Urge Flu Vaccinations with "Get My Flu Shot" Campaign

Donors making a difference in Pakistan's flood crisis

Monkeypox treatment trial begins in the Democratic Republic of the Congo | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Donors making a difference: The European Union teams up with WHO to boost COVID-19 vaccination coverage in Africa

Monkeypox: Virus DNA is widespread in treatment rooms, study finds | The BMJ

Joint statement: Working together towards COVID-19 and seasonal influenza vaccinations for this winter

Community leaders in Georgia called upon to promote COVID-19 vaccination

Covid-19: Antiviral purchased by UK government does not lower risk of hospital admission, trial shows | The BMJ

Covid-19: Hospital admissions rise in England as some trusts reinstate mask requirements | The BMJ

Evusheld: Government is urged to expedite covid antibody treatment for vulnerable patients | The BMJ

Hopeful not helpless: How doctors are combating climate change | The BMJ

Ebola: Uganda battles fresh epidemic as infections threaten to spread | The BMJ

In Cambodia, WHO's preparedness team recognised for helping build a stronger local response

Media Professionals from West Africa Region Trained on Infodemic Management and Data Journalism for a Better COVID-19 Response – Africa CDC

Pakistan: UN renews appeal to avert public health disaster in wake of climate induced floods | The BMJ

Learning lessons from the pilots: overcoming knowledge gaps around the malaria vaccine schedule in support of vaccine uptake

European Region-wide case studies show how communicating risks and engaging communities are key to saving lives in health emergencies

CDC 2022-2023 Flu Vaccination Campaign Kickoff

Developing and implementing a national genomic surveillance strategy – Türkiye's experience

Pacific alliance to combat mosquito-borne diseases | The Pacific Community

WHO announces updates to its guidelines on tests for the diagnosis of TB infection

Working hand in hand to manage COVID‑19 laboratory quality

UK childhood vaccination rates fell last year in almost all programmes, figures show | The BMJ

WHO launches new initiative to stop the spread of invasive malaria vector in Africa

Re-Imagining Health Workforce Development for Africa's Health Security – Africa CDC

Parents are urged to vaccinate 2-3 year olds against flu as NHS warns of "twindemic" | The BMJ

New dashboard presents integrated data on winter flu and COVID-19 vaccine programme - News - Public Health Scotland

Health and safety during COVID-19: training for health workers in south-eastern Europe

Achieving Zero Rabies deaths through One Health Approach

Youth Engagement for rabies elimination in Ghana

Development of Sri Lanka's National Strategic Plan for the elimination of dog-mediated human rabies (2022-2026)

Avian influenza prevention zone declared in Norfolk, Suffolk and parts of Essex - GOV.UK

‘Foreign disinformation' social media campaigns linked to falling vaccination rates | BMJ

2021-2022 data show largest avian flu epidemic in Europe ever

WHO releases a public health taxonomy for social listening on monkeypox conversations

The WHO global infodemic manager community of practice is growing and tackling COVID-19, monkeypox and other outbreaks

JCVI statement on vaccine dose prioritisation in response to the monkeypox outbreak - GOV.UK

Why we are changing our COVID-19 reporting - Our blog - Public Health Scotland

Second vaccine doses to be offered to those at highest risk from monkeypox - GOV.UK

Covid-19: Cases rise in England and Wales as hospital admissions remain steady | The BMJ

New recommendations for the composition of influenza vaccines in 2023 for the southern hemisphere

WHO South-East Asia Region polio-free, accelerated efforts needed in view of increased risks: experts

One Health in action: Rabies training brings together human and animal health professionals in Côte d'Ivoire

The Global Leaders Group host side event at UN General Assembly on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

Seventy years of GISRS – the Global Influenza Surveillance & Response System

No time for COVID-19 complacency, say key countries responsible for tracking global rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, tests and treatments

Multi-country outbreak of monkeypox, External situation report #6 - 21 September 2022

Key highlights from the UN General Assembly side event: Progress and multisectoral action towards achieving global targets to end TB

Uganda Reported an Outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease – Africa CDC

Monkeypox: NHS offers tecovirimat for severe or complicated cases | The BMJ

World Meningitis Day 2022: Labs Play an Integral Role in Defeating Meningitis | subsection title | section title | site title

One Health Approach in the Philippines: A multi-sectoral collaboration to improving the health of people and the planet

Strengthening the Malaria Genomics Workforce in East Africa – Africa CDC

400 000 doses of Comirnaty vaccine delivered to Ukraine under COVAX

Fourth WHO Global Evidence Review on Health and Migration stresses that equitable access to and appropriate use of antibiotics for refugees and migrants is essential to tackling Antimicrobial Resistance

A continent-wide collaboration on genomics surveillance show the power of African science and how the majority of COVID-19 variants were introduced into Africa – Africa CDC

WHO strongly advises against antibody treatments for covid-19 patients | BMJ

Reflecting on the implementation of genomic surveillance for COVID-19 and beyond in the African Region

Donors making a difference in the fight against polio

Stopping the Spread of Monkeypox: Examining the Federal Response | 2022 Congressional Testimony from CDC

Syndromic surveillance summary: 15 September 2022 week 36 - GOV.UK

NIH-funded team develops method to identify future SARS-CoV-2 mutations that could affect rapid antigen test performance | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Multi-country research on antimicrobial resistance in Africa reveals only five of 15 antibiotic-resistant pathogens designated by the WHO as priority pathogens are consistently teste – Africa CDC

Covid-19: Commission describes "massive global failures" of pandemic response | The BMJ

WHO trains health workers in Ghana on air pollution and health

Ticking timebomb: Without immediate action, health and care workforce gaps in the European Region could spell disaster

Polio emergency declared in New York State over virus found in wastewater | The BMJ

Doctors call for report of new "tomato flu" outbreak in India to be retracted | The BMJ

Improving risk communication in public health crises: Interview with Dr Savoia, speaker at ECDC's risk communication workshop

Six emergency management courses recognized for high-quality learning

The government guarantees PCV immunization for all Indonesian children to protect them from the dangers of pulmonary inflammation (pneumonia)

Climate and Health - What's New | CDC

New fund for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response formally established

U.S. clinical trial evaluating antiviral for monkeypox begins | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Ireland tracks its way to COVID-19 vaccine delivery success

Novavax COVID-19 vaccine Nuvaxovid approved by MHRA - GOV.UK

Lab Advisory: HHS Declaration of Public Health Emergency for Monkeypox Diagnostics and New FDA Guidance

WHO South-East Asia Region roadmap to strengthen emergency preparedness and response

Clinical Trial Evaluating Monkeypox Vaccine Begins | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Second round of public hearings in relation to a new international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

Uganda's Disease Detectives: Integral to Stopping the Spread of COVID-19 | Division of Global Health Protection | Global Health | CDC

WHO releases new repository of resources for air quality management

International Day of Clean Air for blue skies: joint efforts needed to tackle air pollution driving climate change and affecting health

Empowering Field Epidemiologists for Stronger Health Systems: World Field Epidemiology Day 2022

WHO releases new module of the PrEP implementation tool on integration of STI services

Africa CDC and Partners mobilize National EPI Managers and other Stakeholders to accelerate COVID-19 vaccination in Africa. – Africa CDC

STIs in 2022: emerging and re-emerging outbreaks

New strategies to tackle and end STIs epidemics

Priorities, actions and technical support of the IPC pillar of the regional COVID-19 Incident Management Support Team

US and Canada to roll out the first omicron specific boosters within days | The BMJ

UK monkeypox case numbers continue to decline - GOV.UK

Latest update on monkeypox in Scotland - News - Public Health Scotland

Pakistan floods pose serious health challenges | The BMJ

CDC Recommends the First Updated COVID-19 Booster | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

WHO delivers ambulances to Ukraine amid ongoing attacks against health care

World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2022

Travel ban implemented to protect public health following Denmark COVID-19 mink outbreak - GOV.UK

Covid alert level reduced to two - GOV.UK

Avian influenza prevention zone declared in south-west England - GOV.UK

Italy and Mexico turn to Cuban doctors to fill gaps in underserved regions | The BMJ

Health authorities working with community stakeholders to control Monkeypox in Portugal

Half of health care facilities globally lack basic hygiene services – WHO, UNICEF

5000 micro-influencers in Portugal build confidence in COVID-19 vaccination

Sex-on-premises venues playing their part to end the monkeypox outbreak

New policy briefs support country strategies to control and eliminate monkeypox in the WHO European Region

SARS-CoV-2 antigen levels linked to patient outcomes | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Sex-on-premises venues playing their part to end the monkeypox outbreak

A TB laboratory on wheels in Timor-Leste

Latest update on monkeypox - Scotland - News - Public Health Scotland

NIH-funded pediatric COVID-19 testing study finds school-aged children can self-swab | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Communicable disease threats report, 21-27 August, week 34

Catalyzing action in states to combat antimicrobial resistance

DR Congo rushes to contain resurgence of Ebola virus | The BMJ

Parliamentarians: Resilient health systems and preparedness for future emergencies critical to health security in Asia and the Pacific

NIH experts review monkeypox challenges | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Covid-19: Asymptomatic testing is "paused" in England's hospitals and care homes | The BMJ

Ebola virus disease – Democratic Republic of the Congo

WHO Academy offers virtual course on acute respiratory infection

Kick-off meeting held to plan the new biennium's pandemic influenza preparedness partnership contribution funds supported activity work plan

COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses: mitigating their spread as children return to school across Europe

Toughest targets ever introduced will crack down on sewage spills - GOV.UK

At least 80 million children under one at risk of diseases such as diphtheria, measles and polio as COVID-19 disrupts routine vaccination efforts, warn Gavi, WHO and UNICEF

COVID-19: testing during periods of low prevalence - GOV.UK

Regular asymptomatic testing paused in additional settings - GOV.UK

After six months of war, Ukraine's life-saving health system prepares for a challenging winter ahead

Antibody treatment protects adults against malaria | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

WHO, EU support the Philippines' vaccine information system

New mobile friendly web tool with interactive dashboard gives individuals the information they need on monkeypox in advance of attending gatherings

100 000 doses of the Janssen vaccine delivered to Ukraine under COVAX

Monkeypox: what we know about the 2022 outbreak so far | The BMJ

US CDC announces major changes after criticism of its responses to covid-19 and monkeypox | The BMJ

Press Release on Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) – Africa CDC

Impact of Monkeypox Outbreak on Select Behaviors | Monkeypox | Poxvirus | CDC

CDC Recommends Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine for Adolescents | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

Monkeypox vaccines to be piloted in smaller but equally effective doses - GOV.UK

CDC Confirms Another Human Infection with Flu Virus from Pigs | CDC

UK monkeypox case numbers show overall decline - GOV.UK

Covid-19: Results from India's 12 molnupiravir clinical trials remain unpublished | The BMJ

CDC - Malaria - Features - World Mosquito Day 2022

Latest update on monkeypox covering Scotland - News - Public Health Scotland

WHO makes new recommendations for Ebola treatments, calls for improved access

Monkeypox: UK to run out of vaccine doses by next week | The BMJ

Covid-19: What have been the direct and indirect health impacts in England? | The BMJ

Covid-19: UK will roll out Moderna's omicron BA.1 vaccine as part of autumn booster programme | The BMJ

Fighting current and future coronaviruses with a single vaccine | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

WHO releases updated guidance on national strategic planning for tuberculosis

Covid-19: UK will not buy Evusheld owing to "insufficient data" on protection, government says | The BMJ

JCVI publishes advice on COVID-19 vaccines for autumn booster programme - GOV.UK

Backgrounder: Funding to help community-based organizations address monkeypox -

CDC Confirms Two New Human Infections with Flu Virus from Pigs During 2022 | CDC

Government of Canada supports community-based organizations to address monkeypox outbreak -

Monkeypox: experts give virus variants new names

Covid-19: Study provides further evidence that mRNA vaccines are safe in pregnancy | The BMJ

Latest monkeypox update - Scotland - News - Public Health Scotland

Polio vaccine is offered to all children in London aged 1 to 9 after virus detected in sewage | The BMJ

Langya henipavirus under ECDC monitoring

All children aged 1 to 9 in London to be offered a dose of polio vaccine - GOV.UK

Polio vaccination campaign letter - GOV.UK

War in Ukraine: situation report from WHO Ukraine country office. Issue No.18, 10 August 2022

US Senate passes landmark bill to tackle climate change and cut drug costs | The BMJ

Monkeypox: Concerns mount over vaccine inequity | The BMJ

UK monkeypox case numbers begin to plateau - GOV.UK

Latest update on monkeypox in Scotland - News - Public Health Scotland

Climate crisis: Wellcome sells some fossil fuel investments as climate leaders call for full divestment | The BMJ

Disaster and climate related data for the Pacific now more accessible through a new web-based platform | The Pacific Community

WHO Meeting of the Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System: From 70th Anniversary to 100 Years

Supporting the deployment of COVID-19 vaccines and routine vaccination systems in the Eastern Partnership: Armenia

Monoclonal antibody prevents malaria in U.S. adults, NIH trial shows | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

ASPHER - Member's blog - Other

Government of Canada appoints Catherine Stewart as Canada's Ambassador for Climate Change -

WHO launches appeal to respond to urgent health needs in the greater Horn of Africa

Covid-19: Ontario hospitals close wards as nursing shortage bites | The BMJ

Hepatitis (liver inflammation) cases in children – latest updates - GOV.UK

World Health Organization equips Maldives with PCR Kits to enable in-country testing and diagnosis of Monkeypox

WHO Consultation on the Composition of Influenza Virus Vaccines for Use in the 2023 Southern Hemisphere Influenza Season

Afghanistan influenza surveillance system stands solid

WHO publishes new guidelines on HIV, hepatitis and STIs for key populations

Regional gatherings to strengthen pandemic influenza preparedness

Sustaining integrated surveillance in South-East Asia

Staying safe in the heat: health advice for times of extreme temperature and wildfires

WHO applauds agreement to scale-up generic manufacturing for access to long-acting injectable antiretrovirals

WHO recommends long-acting cabotegravir for HIV prevention

WHO consultation on guidance development for conducting TB programme reviews

WHO launched new implementation guidance for simplified and differentiated service delivery of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)

Building a community of learning for women leaders in health emergencies

Monkeypox: WHO declares a public health emergency of international concern | The BMJ

Monkeypox: New clinical symptoms are identified in confirmed cases | The BMJ

Monkeypox: Symptoms seen in London sexual health clinics differ from previous outbreaks, study finds | The BMJ

Monkeypox: What's behind WHO's decision not to declare a public health emergency? | The BMJ

Monkeypox: Gay and bisexual men with high exposure risk will be offered vaccine in England | The BMJ

Monkeypox: Doctors in England will have to notify local agencies of all suspected cases | The BMJ

Monkeypox: What do we know about the outbreaks in Europe and North America? | The BMJ

Seven monkeypox cases are confirmed in England | The BMJ

Responding to the monkeypox outbreak: perspectives of clinicians treating patients with the disease

Multi-country monkeypox outbreak declared a global Public Health Emergency of International Concern – Africa CDC

Update on monkeypox in Canada – July 23, 2022 -

Enhance surveillance, public health measures for monkeypox: WHO

Second meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) Emergency Committee regarding the multi-country outbreak of monkeypox

WHO Director-General declares the ongoing monkeypox outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern

Latest monkeypox update - News - Public Health Scotland

Disinfecting Home and Other Non-Healthcare Settings | Monkeypox | Poxvirus | CDC

Latest update on monkeypox cases in Scotland - News - Public Health Scotland

India confirms first case of monkeypox in WHO South-East Asia Region

Monkeypox: continuing transmission in interconnected sexual networks - GOV.UK

ECDC releases first update to its Rapid Risk Assessment on the monkeypox outbreak

Monkeypox outbreak: epidemiological overview, 5 July 2022 - GOV.UK

HCID status of monkeypox - GOV.UK

ECDC publishes contact tracing guidance for the current monkeypox outbreak

Africa CDC organizes first training on Real-Time PCR-based Monkeypox virus (MPXV) testing for 20 African Union Member States – Africa CDC

Multi-country monkeypox outbreak: situation update

Press Release on Monkeypox situation in Africa – Africa CDC

UKHSA urges those with new or multiple sexual partners to be vigilant as monkeypox outbreak grows - GOV.UK

Increase in monkeypox cases in Scotland as high-risk groups approved for vaccine - News - Public Health Scotland

Monkeypox vaccine to be offered more widely to help control outbreak - GOV.UK

Multi-country monkeypox outbreak: situation update

Monkeypox in Scotland - Update - News - Public Health Scotland

ECDC and WHO publish joint technical report on navigating monkeypox during the summer season

Notifications of infectious diseases (NOIDs) - GOV.UK

Multi-country monkeypox outbreak: situation update

Update on Cases of Monkeypox in Scotland - News - Public Health Scotland

Epidemiological update: Monkeypox multi-country outbreak

Multi-country monkeypox outbreak: situation update

Increasing preparedness and prevention measures for monkeypox

WHO consultations sets research priorities for monkeypox

Update on monkeypox in Scotland - News - Public Health Scotland

Epidemiological update: Monkeypox multi-country outbreak

Public health agencies issue monkeypox guidance to control transmission - GOV.UK

Additional case of monkeypox confirmed in Scotland - News - Public Health Scotland

Multi-country monkeypox outbreak in non-endemic countries: Update

Update on monkeypox in Canada -

Additional cases of monkeypox confirmed in Scotland - News - Public Health Scotland

Multi-country monkeypox outbreak in non-endemic countries

ECDC presents monkeypox response options, as nine EU/EEA countries report cases

WHO working closely with countries responding to monkeypox

U.S. Monkeypox 2022: Situation Summary

First case of monkeypox confirmed in Scotland - News - Public Health Scotland

Statement from the Minister of Health on Canada's Response to Monkeypox -

Epidemiological update: Monkeypox multi-country outbreak

Public Health Agency of Canada Confirms 2 cases of Monkeypox -

CDC and Health Partners Responding to Monkeypox Case in the U.S. | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

Monkeypox cases reported in UK and Portugal

First polio case in decades reported in the Americas | The BMJ

Ghana declares its first outbreak of Marburg virus disease after two deaths | The BMJ

Covid-19: BA.5 variant is now dominant in US as infections rise | The BMJ

New study updates evidence on rare heart condition after covid vaccination | BMJ

Covid-19: High prevalence and lack of hospital beds putting "intense pressure" on ambulances | The BMJ

WHO advises against use of two drugs for non-severe covid-19 | BMJ

Covid-19: Antimicrobial resistance rose dangerously in US during pandemic, CDC says | The BMJ

Covid-19: Researchers face wait for patient level data from Pfizer and Moderna vaccine trials | The BMJ

Covid-19: Parts of England see hospital admissions more than double in two weeks | The BMJ

Covid-19: Hospitals and GP clinics return to universal mask wearing as rates rise | The BMJ

Covid vaccines: Canada to dispose of 13.6 million AstraZeneca doses owing to lack of demand | The BMJ

Covid-19: FDA authorises pharmacists to prescribe Paxlovid | The BMJ

Covid-19: WHO urges countries to plug immunity gaps as global infections rise | The BMJ

New legislation places duty on NHS to tackle climate change | The BMJ

Emergency care plan is "inadequate" on every level, say doctors | The BMJ

Covid-19: GPs are asked to opt into next vaccination phase this autumn | The BMJ

New review of evidence highlights importance of ventilation to prevent spread of covid-19 | BMJ

Polio: What do we know about the polioviruses detected in the UK? | The BMJ

UK must focus on diagnostics needed to cut antimicrobial resistance, says review chair | The BMJ

Poliovirus is detected in sewage from north and east London | The BMJ

Wearable activity trackers + AI can pick up presymptomatic COVID-19 | BMJ

Covid-19: CDC and FDA approve Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for under 5s | The BMJ

Covid-19: Omicron sub variants driving new wave of infections in UK | The BMJ

Covid-19: Long covid risk is lower with omicron than delta, researchers find | The BMJ

NHS to rollout two new drugs to tackle superbugs | The BMJ

Covid-19: Second boosters may benefit at-risk groups but have "minimal" impact for others, says WHO | The BMJ

Covid-19: Two million people in the UK are estimated to be experiencing long covid, says ONS | The BMJ

Covid-19: True global death toll from pandemic is almost 15 million, says WHO | The BMJ

Hepatitis in children: What's behind the outbreaks? | The BMJ

Covid-19: JCVI advises further booster for vulnerable adults and health and care workers | The BMJ

NHS staff survey underlines need for national workforce strategy | The BMJ

Acute hepatitis is identified in more children, but cause remains elusive | The BMJ

Hepatitis: Ukrainian refugees should be offered vaccines and free treatment, says WHO | The BMJ

Scientists search for cause of hepatitis cases in children | The BMJ

Covid-19: WHO chief calls for a shift in China's "unsustainable" policy | The BMJ

We need to increase MMR uptake urgently | BMJ

Covid-19: Fourth dose of mRNA vaccines is safe and boosts immunity, study finds | The BMJ

Covid-19: Symptomatic infection with omicron variant is milder and shorter than with delta, study reports | The BMJ

Covid-19: Mask mandate is struck down although US cases are rising | The BMJ

Russian forces are increasingly targeting Ukrainian healthcare facilities, says WHO | The BMJ

Covid-19: UK adds sore throat, headache, fatigue, and six other symptoms to official list | The BMJ

Medical schools should include climate change in their curriculum, says report | The BMJ

Lasting cough could be TB, warns UK agency as cases rise | The BMJ

Joint mission to western Ukraine assesses critical polio outbreak response

Guidance, tools and support for countries transitioning to digital, case-based surveillance for TB

President's message for July 2022 - Groundhog Day: Climate emergency is with us again

Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) Receives a $100 Million Grant from the World Bank to Strengthen Continental Public Health Preparedness – Africa CDC

Africa CDC Saving Lives and Livelihoods Initiative Commences Implementation in Kenya – Africa CDC

Regional Workshop to Review Progress towards Measles-Rubella and Other Priority VPD Surveillance and Outbreak Preparedness and Response

WHO releases global COVID-19 vaccination strategy update to reach unprotected

Heatwave in Europe: local resilience saves lives – global collaboration will save humanity

Tracking SARS-CoV-2 variants in wastewater | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

War in Ukraine: situation report from WHO Ukraine country office. Issue No.15, 20 July 2022

Government sets out plan to reduce water pollution - GOV.UK

WHO supports strengthening of whole genome sequencing capacity at Universiti Sains Malaysia in Kelantan State

CDC Recommends Novavax's COVID-19 Vaccine for Adults | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

Vaccine-Induced Immune Response to Omicron Wanes Substantially Over Time | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Genomic sequencing used to investigate university halls outbreak in new study - News - Public Health Scotland

Fiji: Listening leads to more impactful communication and a stronger COVID-19 response

Free vaccinations for Ukrainian refugees in the Republic of Moldova

Greater efforts needed to get routine immunization back to pre-COVID-19 times: WHO

Côte d'Ivoire Receives COVID-19 Rapid Response Training | Division of Global Health Protection | Global Health | CDC

2022 IANPHI Europe Meeting - Preparing for and Responding to Crises: What Role for National Public Health Institutes? | IANPHI

New COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Data Showcase Protection Gained by 3rd and 4th Doses | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

European Region averts further backsliding in routine immunization but falls short of full recovery

Heat-health advice issued for all regions of England - GOV.UK

Over 50s to be offered COVID-19 booster and flu jab this autumn - GOV.UK

Engaging multisectoral stakeholders to strengthen One Health

Health Canada authorizes use of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine in children 6 months to 5 years of age -

COVID-19 pandemic fuels largest continued backslide in vaccinations in three decades

The Eastern Mediterranean Region reflects on genomic sequencing and its future within integrated surveillance of respiratory viruses

Interferon treatment may reduce severity of COVID-19 in people with certain genetic factors | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Government of Canada is re-establishing mandatory random testing offsite of airports for air travellers -

Statement from Health Canada on Decommissioning COVID Alert -

Expert advisory group recommends COVID-19 vaccination strategy for the autumn season

COVID-19 Reverses Progress in Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance in U.S. | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

Donors making a difference: in the greater Horn of Africa health crisis

Urgent call for better use of existing vaccines and development of new vaccines to tackle AMR

NIH launches clinical trial of mRNA Nipah virus vaccine | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

WHO announces updates on its guidance on tuberculosis care and support

ECDC and EMA update recommendations on additional booster doses of COVID-19 vaccines

The 14th Ebola Outbreak Declared Over in Equateur Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo – Africa CDC

Information about COVID-19 at Edmonton Institution for Women -

ECDC and WHO produce risk communication and community engagement advice, toolkit for public health authorities and event organisers

Information about COVID-19 at Dorchester Penitentiary -

Effectiveness of BNT162b2 vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe COVID-19 in children aged 5–11 years in Italy - ISS

First WHO–UNCCT joint training on radiological and nuclear safety

Disaster Preparedness in 2022; International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) Basic Training Sri Lanka

Catalonia ensures COVID-19 vaccine interventions leave no community behind

African Union establishes One Health Coordination Group on Zoonotic Diseases – Africa CDC

ECDC launches e-learning course on how to address online vaccination misinformation

New report highlights the impact of changes in environment on One Health

Vaccine update: issue 330, June 2022, COVID-19 spring special edition - GOV.UK

Join the WHO/Europe #DoItAll campaign

Reaching the unreached with COVID-19 vaccination across the Western Pacific Region

Trial of potential universal flu vaccine opens at NIH Clinical Center | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Multi-year Planning for Oral Cholera Vaccines Needed to Inform Global Vaccine Supply and Help Prevent Deadly Outbreaks

Severe acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology in children - Multi-country

Statement of the Thirty-second Polio IHR Emergency Committee

COVID-19 variants identified in the UK – latest updates - GOV.UK

CDC Recommends Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine for Children and Adolescents | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

HIV Testing Dropped Sharply Among Key Groups During First Year of COVID-19 Pandemic | Newsroom | NCHHSTP | CDC

ACIP Flu Meeting Update: Flu Vaccines Worked Better than Reported & ACIP Recommends Specific Vaccines For Seniors

Wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) – Mozambique

Commonwealth leaders recommit to ending malaria and neglected tropical diseases

Vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (VDPV2) detected in environmental samples in London, UK

Poliovirus detected in sewage from North and East London - GOV.UK

Lack of innovation set to undermine antibiotic performance and health gains

COVID-19 vaccines and medicines: updates for June 2022 - GOV.UK

Digital health helps build trust and retain services for people living with HIV in Cambodia

Uptake of spring booster encouraged as COVID-19 cases rise across Scotland - News - Public Health Scotland

UK's top scientists join forces to battle bird flu outbreaks - GOV.UK

An early-warning tool for the spread of COVID-19 and other health threats

CDC Experts and Global Partners Unite to Support Humanitarian Efforts in Ukraine  | Division of Global Health Protection | Global Health | CDC

A New Drug Target against Malaria | Institut Pasteur

Cholera – Pakistan

COVID Alert: Canada's exposure notification app -

Investigation of the vaccine-derived polio virus found in sewage sample in Kolkata

Tonnes of COVID-19 health care waste expose urgent need to improve waste management systems

Vaccine Taskforce to merge with UKHSA and OLS - GOV.UK

Suspension of the mandatory vaccination requirement for domestic travellers and federally regulated transportation workers -

Backgrounder: Government of Canada suspends mandatory vaccination for federal employees -

Suspension of the vaccine mandates for domestic travellers, transportation workers and federal employees  -

WHO/Europe reports on the contribution of urban planning and management to resilience and health protection

Implications of the emergence and spread of the SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern BA.4 and BA.5 for the EU/EEA

CDC Rescinds Order Requiring Negative Pre-Departure COVID-19 Test Prior to Flight to the US | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

Investigation Details | Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Backyard Poultry | CDC

£7 billion for NHS and social care for COVID-19 response and recovery - GOV.UK

COVID-19 vaccination efforts prove value of polio network for resilient health systems

Hope for immediate collaboration and action to tackle climate change in the Pacific islands

Book on elimination of infectious diseases in South-East Asia

Updated WHO recommendations for malaria chemoprevention among children and pregnant women

Updated WHO recommendations for malaria chemoprevention and elimination

One hundred days of war has put Ukraine's health system under severe pressure

Lab Advisory: CLARIFICATION - CDC Publishes Non-variola Orthopoxvirus PCR Testing Procedure

Public Health Notice: Outbreak of hepatitis A infections linked to imported fresh organic strawberries -

Interim statement on hybrid immunity and increasing population seroprevalence rates

Indonesia and Timor Leste team up to eliminate malaria on Timor Island

Women need a stronger voice in disaster management | The Pacific Community

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected children and young people in Scotland? - News - Public Health Scotland

ECDC issues guidance on scaling up capability and capacity to characterise SARS-CoV-2 variants

World Hepatitis Summit 2022 urges action to eliminate viral hepatitis as unexplained hepatitis cases in children rise globally

Launch of Scenario Hub projecting future COVID-19 health impact

World Health Assembly approves recommendations to support people living with NCDs in humanitarian emergencies

Mobilizing young people to promote vaccination against COVID-19 in the Republic of Moldova

CDC launches Traveler-based SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Surveillance Program | Advanced Molecular Detection (AMD) | CDC

Update on the investigation into higher than usual rates of hepatitis in children - News - Public Health Scotland

Acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology in children - Multi-country

Major improvements in quality of life for people with drug-susceptible TB expected following updates in TB treatment regimens

UKHSA expands support to help countries identify emerging variants - GOV.UK

Understanding the transmission of antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus | Institut Pasteur

COVAX calls for urgent action to close vaccine equity gap

CDC Strengthens Recommendations and Expands Eligibility for COVID-19 Booster Shots | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

Epidemiological update issued 19 May 2022: hepatitis of unknown aetiology in children

Influenza A(H1N1) - Germany

JCVI provides interim advice on an autumn COVID-19 booster programme - GOV.UK

WHO validates 11th vaccine for COVID-19

WHO issues Information Note on ensuring continuity of essential TB services for people with or at risk of the disease in Ukraine and refugee-hosting countries

TB laboratory manuals issued to support the implementation of WHO-recommended diagnostics

Lassa fever - Guinea

Human resources for health at the Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly

Further update on the ongoing investigation into higher than usual rates of hepatitis in children - News - Public Health Scotland

Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) – Qatar

NNDSS Modernizes Processing & Publication of Weekly & Annual Data | CDC

Africa CDC Releases New Country Research on Scale-Up of COVID Vaccines – Africa CDC

Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in Iraq

ECDC and Africa CDC to share experiences in 3-day meeting on surveillance, data management and epidemic intelligence

Kyrgyzstan: leveraging SARI surveillance to monitor vaccine effectiveness

Myanmar: learning from COVID-19 to prepare for influenza

Improving influenza preparedness in Indonesia

Avian Influenza A(H3N8) - China

Countries in WHO South-East Asia Region renew commitment to eliminate malaria by 2030

Government of Canada funds NGOs to build capacity, respond to emergencies, and keep communities safe -

Pacific Community-Led Health Missions Arrive with Critical Support to Tonga and Kiribati Grappling with COVID-19 Surges | The Pacific Community

World Reconstruction Conference 5 (Reconstructing a sustainable future: Building resilience through recovery in a COVID-19) Transformed World)  Bali, Indonesia

Ebola virus disease - Democratic Republic of the Congo

Protecting workers' health and safety: Online training resources at your fingertips

A second booster could avert a substantial proportion of COVID-19 deaths between now and mid-autumn 2022 in older age groups

Cholera – Malawi

Measles - Somalia

UNICEF and WHO warn of ‘perfect storm' of conditions for measles outbreaks, affecting children

Multi-country outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium linked to chocolate products – Europe and the United States of America

Bird flu – Latest situation: Chief Vet urges bird keepers to maintain scrupulous biosecurity standards as housing measures set to be lifted - GOV.UK

Sri Lanka's success in eliminating malaria but need for vigilance against re-introduction

Multi-Country – Acute, severe hepatitis of unknown origin in children

World Malaria Day: Lao PDR adopts innovative strategies to accelerate elimination

COVID-19 Was Third Leading Cause of Death in U.S. | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

ECDC/EACS/WHO statement: Ensuring high-quality of HIV care for displaced people from Ukraine

Chagas disease (also known as American trypanosomiasis)

Over 1 million African children protected by first malaria vaccine

Acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology – the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Report on the investigation into the origin of recent cases of hepatitis in Scotland published - News - Public Health Scotland

Malaria Prevention in Mozambique: Transforming Action into Results l CDC

Health Canada authorizes Evusheld for the prevention of COVID-19 in immune compromised adults and children  -

Increase in acute hepatitis of unknown origin among children – United Kingdom

#ENDTB Webinar: Live Demo of WHO's End TB E-Learning Platform

World Malaria Day 2022

Increase in hepatitis (liver inflammation) cases in children under investigation - GOV.UK

New frontiers in vector control

WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the 11th meeting of the Emergency Committee for COVID-19 – 11 April 2022

Genuine intersectoral collaboration is needed to achieve better progress in vector control

Stopping TB infection in children

Recognising the signs - Investigating a global upsurge in severe hepatitis among young children - Our blog - Public Health Scotland

Rapid outbreak assessment: Multi-country Salmonella outbreak linked to chocolate products

WHO records 100th attack on health care in Ukraine

Our Planet, Our Health: How WHO Cambodia is supporting the Government to prepare for the risks of climate change

Prevalence of COVID-19 remains at high levels across the country - GOV.UK

Antibodies recognize new SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant after booster | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

WHO warns of a surge in COVID-19 cases if unsafe gatherings continue

WHO announces updates on new TB antigen-based skin tests for the diagnosis of TB infection

Government of Canada launches second cycle of national survey to assess the health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic -

Suspension of supply of COVID-19 vaccine (COVAXIN®)

WHO, Government of Japan, and Governments of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia and Palau partner to enhance COVID-19 preparedness and response

WHO supports regions to increase COVID-19 vaccination uptake among seniors, indigent population

Armenia to host WHO Emergency Medical Teams (EMT) Global Meeting 2022

Health Research Training Platforms -

New WHO Global Competency Standards aim to strengthen the health workforce and support provision of quality health services to refugees and migrants

NIH experts discuss controlling COVID-19 in commentary on herd immunity | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Letter to malaria partners (March 2022)

Rapid outbreak assessment – first update: Multi-country Salmonella outbreak linked to chocolate products

Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly to focus on "Health for Peace, Peace for Health" for recovery and renewal

Interim statement on the use of additional booster doses of Emergency Use Listed mRNA vaccines against COVID-19

Singapore and the African Union can digitally verify each other's COVID-19 Vaccination Certificates from 23 May 2022 – Africa CDC

NIH begins clinical trial evaluating second COVID-19 booster shots in adults | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Almost 80% of eligible over-75s receive spring booster - GOV.UK

Digital Response for connecting Citizens- "Supporting the Pacific Close the Digital Divides in Response to COVID-19" | The Pacific Community

Emergency Preparedness Week 2022 | Public Health Ontario


Countries in the Western Pacific on the frontlines of the climate crisis, says WHO

Mobilizing communities to help prevent and control malaria in Cameroon

European Union funding boosts COVID-19 vaccination in Africa

Innovation at work: reflections from Malawi on the world's first malaria vaccine, RTS,S, in childhood vaccination

Tuberculosis deaths rise for the first time in more than a decade due to the COVID-19 pandemic

EASA and ECDC take first steps to relax COVID-19 measures for air travel

Thailand shares lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic with WHO

Increased funding for nursing in care homes - GOV.UK

WHO and MPP announce the first transparent, global, non-exclusive licence for a COVID-19 technology

COVID-19 variants identified in the UK - GOV.UK

14.9 million excess deaths associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021

UTTAR PRADESH Going the last mile to stop COVID-19

Call for expressions of interest: Expert(s) for conducting a systematic review of the evidence for the diagnostic accuracy of targeted next-generation sequencing technologies for detection of drug resistance among people diagnosed with TB

Japanese Encephalitis - Australia

Extensively drug-resistant Shigella sonnei infections - Europe

Effect of COVID-19 on Tuberculosis in the U.S. | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

WHO recommends highly successful COVID-19 therapy and calls for wide geographical distribution and transparency from originator

Lassa Fever – Togo

Over half of pregnant women have now had one or more doses of COVID-19 vaccines - GOV.UK

Viet Nam: Catching up on ending tuberculosis amid pandemic setbacks

UKHSA calls for a renewed effort to tackle TB - GOV.UK

Information about COVID-19 at Mountain Institution -

Press Release N°36/2021 COVID-19: The vaccine affords up to 100% protection against infections, hospitalization and death - ISS

Launch of the Global Arbovirus Initiative

UKHSA review shows vaccinated less likely to have long COVID than unvaccinated - GOV.UK

Technical consultation session: ‘Access and benefits sharing and the WHO BioHub system'

COVID-19 pandemic: testing capacities grow manifold in WHO South-East Asia Region, focus now on enhancing genome sequencing

CDC's Priority to Address Health Equity Issues | CDC

Mandatory masking in schools reduced COVID-19 cases | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Open to all, anytime, anywhere: Free online courses bring vaccine knowledge to the global community

"We're at a critical point in the fight against malaria"

To avert a learning catastrophe, schools must stay open amidst Omicron threat and beyond

Latest U.S. Flu Vaccination Coverage Estimates Continue to Show Concerning Drops in Coverage Among People at Increased Risk for Flu Complications

Strengthening resilience among migrants impacted by COVID-19

NAM & WHO Encourage Digital Platforms to Apply Global Principles for Identifying Credible Sources of Health Information

COVID-19 reporting to include further data on reinfections

Children’s vaccination rates in Scotland increased significantly during lockdown

Recent Bird Flu Infections in U.S. Wild Birds and Poultry Pose a Low Risk to the Public

Covid-19: Scientists and medics warn that it is too soon to lift all restrictions in England

Health workforce development, attraction, recruitment and retention in rural and remote areas

Malawi declares polio outbreak

WHO announces first technology recipients of mRNA vaccine hub with strong support from African and European partners

WHO announces the development of new guidance on offering long acting injectable cabotegravir as HIV prevention for people at substantial risk for HIV infection

Partnership to Accelerate COVID-19 Testing: Scaling up Rapid Antigen Self-testing

JCVI statement on vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 years old

Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Recommended Immunization Schedule for Children and Adolescents Aged 18 Years or Younger — United States, 2022

Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Recommended Immunization Schedule for Adults Aged 19 Years or Older — United States, 2022

National Academy of Medicine Launches Fellowship to Advance State Health Policy

COVID-19: reducing outbreak risk with repeated antigen screening in healthcare facilities

CDC Experts and Partners Unite to Respond to Haiti Earthquake Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

UKRAINE | Online courses in Ukrainian support national response to the COVID-19 pandemic and other emergencies

WHO updates its treatment guidelines to include molnupiravir

Prevention and control of infectious diseases in the context of Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine

Mental health in emergencies

WHO released a new operational guide to promote COVID-19 vaccination uptake and tackle vaccine hesitancy among refugees and migrants

Evusheld approved to prevent COVID-19 in people whose immune response is poor

Prime Minister sets out plan for living with COVID

The R value and growth rate

Improving healthcare associated infection surveillance

CDC’s Priority to Address Health Equity Issues Across Antibiotic-Resistant Threats

Pandemic Protection

March 7, 2022 Update: H5N1 Bird Flu Poses Low Risk to the Public

Mandatory masking in schools reduced COVID-19 cases during Delta surge

Selecting Viruses for the Seasonal Influenza Vaccine

WHO Director-General's remarks at the 4th Meeting of Global Leaders Group on AMR – 16 March 2022

Interim statement of the COVID-19 subcommittee of the WHO Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety on AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine

Workshop on the challenges when setting up Public Health and Emergency Operation Centres

Strengthening Health Services for COVID-19 Response in Kiribati

All COVID-19 travel restrictions removed in the UK

National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Our environment

Ukrainians fleeing war granted free access to NHS healthcare

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