
Categorie selezionate:   Policy

Top donor Germany signs major contribution to WHO for health emergencies; signs host agreement for WHO pandemic hub

Ending the COVID-19 emergency and transitioning from emergency phase to longer-term disease management: guidance on calibrating the response, 4 September 2023

Africa CDC Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027 – Africa CDC

All secondary school pupils eligible for free flu vaccine

2023-2024 CDC Flu Vaccination Recommendations Adopted

Plan, prepare, act: Government of Canada launches first National Adaptation Strategy -

Pan-Canadian Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance -

The One Health approach and Key Recommendations of the Quadripartite

Progress Toward Rubella Elimination — World Health ...

Government of Canada announces Vaping Products Reporting Regulations -

Screening newborns for deadly immune disease saves lives

Reducing Road Crash Deaths in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Building resilient systems where health and justice meet

Over six million disabled people start receiving £150 Cost of Living payment

Small islands agree bold plan of action on health and climate crises

Clearing the air – the introduction of Glasgow's Low Emission Zone (LEZ) - Our blog - Public Health Scotland

Government takes action to strengthen local care systems

Monthly operational update on health emergencies - May 2023

Environment, climate change and health for practitioners and actors guiding policy change

Government of Canada and partners invest $9 million to research policy solutions to transform our health systems -

WHO Malaria Policy Advisory Group (MPAG) meeting

Third WHO consultation on the translation of tuberculosis research into global policy guidelines: meeting report, 4 April 2023

WHO Policy Brief: Gatherings in the context of COVID-19, 19 January 2023

Potential for improvement in governance and national action plans to overcome antimicrobial resistance

Call for Expression of Interest: Scoping review of Science and Knowledge Translation in health emergency policy-making

WHO EPI-WIN Webinar: The current global influenza outbreak: what we are doing and what it means for pandemic influenza

WHO updates COVID-19 guidelines on masks, treatments and patient care

Infection prevention and controlin the context of coronavirus disease (COVID-19): A living guideline

Engaging Community Leaders in Zambia's COVID-19 Response

Advisory group urges countries to prioritize protecting the most vulnerable with COVID-19 vaccination and integrate COVID-19 vaccination into routine health-care strategies

Flu Vaccine Uptake in Caregivers and Noncaregivers: Implications for Policy and Practice

Aircraft Operators/Airlines/Crew FAQs Requirements for Negative Pre-departure COVID-19 Test Result or Documentation of Recovery from COVID-19 for Aircraft Passengers Traveling to the United States from the People's Republic of China | Quarantine | CDC

Coronavirus Test Device Approvals (CTDA): statutory review of process

Statutory review of the Coronavirus Test Device Approvals (CTDA) process

Sharing International Health Regulations information

Technical guidance

COVID-19 Response Fund

One Health Joint Plan of Action launched and presented by WHO and the Quadripartite partners

One Health in G20 countries

Regulatory approval of COVID-19 vaccine VidPrevtyn Beta

Sanofi Pasteur COVID-19 vaccine authorised by MHRA

Strengthening national legislation around the International Health Regulations (IHR)

Covid-19: Winter surge feared as China lurches away from zero covid

Rehabilitating contaminated sites

World Health Organization WHO emergency preparedness mandate

Covid-19: Protests against lockdowns in China reignite amid crackdown

Nepal takes the lead, completes novel training initiative to address antimicrobial resistance

Quadripartite welcomes new political commitments in fight against antimicrobial resistance

Yemen: National action plan to combat antimicrobial resistance 2022-2026

FAO-OIE-WHO One Health approach to AMR mitigation and safer food in the Asia-Pacific Region

KOICA & WHO highlight progress fighting antimicrobial resistance and future opportunities

WHO Malaria Policy Advisory Group (MPAG) meeting (October 2022)

Health in the green economy : health co-benefits of climate change mitigation - transport sector

Covid-19: "Grotesque inequity" that only a quarter of paxlovid courses go to poorer countries

Vaccine access: World's poorest people suffer at the hands of free market dynamics, says WHO

WHO Director-General's opening remarks at 12th ACT Accelerator Facilitation Council Meeting – 28 October 2022

ACT-Accelerator launches six month plan as world transitions to long-term COVID-19 control

World Health Organization (WHO) response to the External Evaluation of the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A)

COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update (28 September 2022) – Africa CDC

The TAP manual: an in-depth guide for planning and implementing tailoring antimicrobial resistance programmes

WHO costing and budgeting tool for national action plans on

Development of Sri Lanka's National Strategic Plan for the elimination of dog-mediated human rabies (2022-2026)

Surveillance and information sharing operational tool: an operational tool of the tripartite zoonoses guide

COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update (14 September 2022) – Africa CDC

400 000 doses of Comirnaty vaccine delivered to Ukraine under COVAX

Donors making a difference in the fight against polio

WHO policy brief: Reaching COVID-19 vaccination targets, 14 September 2022

COVID-19 policy briefs

Health and care workforce in Europe: time to act

New fund for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response formally established

Investing in the COVID-19 Response through the ACT-Accelerator: Long-Term Benefits

New policy briefs support country strategies to control and eliminate monkeypox in the WHO European Region

Sustainability framework for action against NTDs 2021–2030 | OpenWHO

WHO releases updated guidance on national strategic planning for tuberculosis

Guidance for national strategic planning for tuberculosis

The regulatory and certification framework for institutions handling high risk pathogens in the Africa Region – Africa CDC

COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update – (03 August 2022) – Africa CDC

Monkeypox: Concerns mount over vaccine inequity | The BMJ

Climate crisis: Wellcome sells some fossil fuel investments as climate leaders call for full divestment | The BMJ

References | Toward a Post-Pandemic World: Lessons from COVID-19 for Now and the Future: Proceedings of a Workshop |The National Academies Press

Reporting form for AEFI

Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) | NCIRD | CDC

WHO applauds agreement to scale-up generic manufacturing for access to long-acting injectable antiretrovirals

SDG 11.6.2 Working Group: Final Meeting

WHO Director-General's statement at the press conference following IHR Emergency Committee regarding the multi-country outbreak of monkeypox - 23 July 2022

Principles for monkeypox control in the UK: 4 nations consensus statement - GOV.UK

WHO working closely with countries responding to monkeypox

Covid-19: FDA authorises pharmacists to prescribe Paxlovid | The BMJ

Covid-19: WHO chief calls for a shift in China's "unsustainable" policy | The BMJ

Using the WHO online COVID-19 public health and social measures calibration tool: a step-by-step guide

Arboviral Message Mapping Guide Implementation Process | CDC

EU/EEA routine surveillance open data policy

War in Ukraine: situation report from WHO Ukraine country office. Issue No.15, 20 July 2022

NIOSH Conformity Assessment Letter to Manufacturers (CA 2022-1041-R1) | NPPTL | NIOSH | CDC

Commonwealth leaders recommit to ending malaria and neglected tropical diseases

Dispensing of Oral Antiviral Drugs for Treatment of COVID-19 by Zip Code–Level Social Vulnerability — United States, December 23, 2021–May 21, 2022 | MMWR

Vaccine Taskforce to merge with UKHSA and OLS - GOV.UK

Updated WHO recommendations for malaria chemoprevention and elimination

COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update – (25 May 2022) – Africa CDC

Human resources for health in small countries: developing and sustaining postgraduate training: policy brief

COVAX calls for urgent action to close vaccine equity gap

CDC Strengthens Recommendations and Expands Eligibility for COVID-19 Booster Shots | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

JCVI provides interim advice on an autumn COVID-19 booster programme - GOV.UK

COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update – (11 May 2022) – Africa CDC

Introduction to the International Coordinating Group on Vaccine

Public health considerations and evidence to support decisions on the implementation of a second mRNA COVID-19 vaccine booster dose

Transitioning beyond the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic: Approaches and tools used by a sample of EU countries in the transition and de-escalation phase – interim report

UNICEF and WHO warn of ‘perfect storm' of conditions for measles outbreaks, affecting children

The ACT-Accelerator: Two years of impact

Report of the High-Level Ministerial Meeting | Partnerships to Accelerate COVID-19 Vaccination in Africa – Africa CDC

Accelerating COVID-19 Vaccine Deployment

Malaria Policy Advisory Group (MPAG) meeting (March 2022)

COVID-19 Emergency ICD Codes

Policy Brief for the Legal Framework on Infection Prevention and Control – Africa CDC

High consequence infectious diseases (HCID) - GOV.UK

UK COVID-19 Inquiry: draft terms of reference (HTML) - GOV.UK

WHO Policy Guidance on Integrated Antimicrobial Stewardship Activities

Toward a National Health Care Survey: A Data System for the 21st Century |The National Academies Press

Stronger collaboration for an equitable and resilient recovery towards the health-related Sustainable Development Goals, incentivizing collaboration

Health systems resilience toolkit: a WHO global public health good to support building and strengthening of sustainable health systems resilience in countries with various contexts

Ethics in epidemics, emergencies and disasters: research, surveillance and patient care

Preventing and controlling outbreaks of COVID-19 in prisons and places of detention - GOV.UK

Malaria Policy Advisory Group (MPAG) meeting (October 2021)

COVID-19: Requirements for fully vaccinated travellers and unvaccinated children less than 12 years of age

Health Impact Assessment

WHO Pharmaceuticals Newsletter - N°1, 2022

Work Programme 2022 of the EU Initiative on Health Security

Emergencies - Partners

National Academy of Medicine Launches Fellowship to Advance State Health Policy

Government of Canada lightens border measures as part of transition of the pandemic response

Global Malaria Programme

COVID-19 testing, vaccination and implementation of protective measures recommended for reception centres of displaced people from Ukraine

COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update – (2 March 2022)

Global technical strategy for malaria 2016–2030

Ukraine: migrant health guide

Essential public health functions, health systems and health security

All COVID-19 travel restrictions removed in the UK

Systematizing the One Health Approach in Preparedness and Response Efforts for Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Proceedings of a Workshop

WHO technical brief for countries preparing malaria funding requests for the Global Fund (2020–2022)

Assessing Meaningful Community Engagement: A Conceptual Model to Advance Health Equity through Transformed Systems for Health

Evaluation of the SARS-CoV-2 testing policy in Belgium from June to December 2021

Launch of the WHO implementation handbook for national action plans on AMR

Everyone’s business: Whole-of-society action to manage health risks and reduce socio-economic impacts of emergencies and disasters: Operational guidance

WHO policy guidance on integrated antimicrobial stewardship activities

The Global Health Observatory

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