
Indietro Key Facts about Human Infections with Variant Viruses | CDC



  • What is swine flu?
  • What is a variant flu virus?
  • How do people get infected with variant flu and who is at increased risk of getting variant flu?
  • Can variant flu viruses spread from person to person?
  • Can people catch variant flu from eating properly handled and prepared pork?
  • What signs and symptoms do people have when they are infected with variant flu viruses?
  • How common is it for people to be infected with variant flu?
  • Why did the number of reported variant flu infections increased after 2012?
  • Who is at higher risk of serious variant flu illness?
  • Why are human infections with variant viruses of concern?
  • Does getting a seasonal flu vaccine protect people against variant flu?
  • How can human infections with variant flu viruses be diagnosed?
  • What medications are available to treat variant flu infections in people?
  • How did the H3N2v virus emerge and when did the largest outbreaks of H3N2v occur?

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Influenza Malattie infettive One Health Prevenzione Preparedness Formazione


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