Progetto JAHEE



Chi siamo

JAHEE represents an important opportunity for Member States to work jointly to address health inequalities and achieve greater equity in health outcomes across all groups in society, in all participating countries and in Europe at large.
The effects of health inequalities within and between European countries are widely recognized, and reducing health inequalities is on the agenda of many countries. Despite an increasing concern and awareness on health inequalities, a wide gap exists in Europe in terms of political response.

The general objective of JAHEE is to improve health and well-being of  European citizens and achieve greater equity in health outcomes across all groups in society in all participants countries and in Europe at large. In addition JAHEE will also include a specific focus on both vulnerable groups and migrants.

Indietro Contatti

Steering Committee Members

Joint Action Coordinating

Work Package Leader “Dissemination”:

Work Package Leader “Evaluation”:

Work Package Leader “Sustainability”:

Work Package Leader “Monitoring”:

Work Package Leader “Healthy Living Environments”:

Work Package Leader “Migration and Health”:

Work Package Leader “Improving Access to Health and Social Services for those Left Behind”:

Work Package Leader “Governance”:

Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Coordination Group

IT Unit (ISS)

Policy Advisory Board

Institute of Health Equity

WHO Venice Office

City of Utrecht

Norwegian National Health Association

Scientific Advisory Board

University College London

Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University

School of Public Health, Bielefeld University

Progetto JAHEE

Chi siamo